Sandbox for JPA POCs
- Maven docker plugin -
- Logback config -
- Prepare tomcat for production -
- Regex Cheatsheet
- JPA Query Methods
- jdk-21, docker, docker-compose
- Run
docker-compose -f ./docker/dbs-docker-compose.yaml up -d
mvnw -f ./spring-jpa-demo-parent/pom.xml clean install -DskipTests
- To test a module like
- run manually
- run tests from that module
- run manually
docker exec -it postgres_demo bash
docker exec -it mysql_demo bash
mysql -h localhost -P 3306 --protocol=tcp -u root -p'qwerty' -D demo_db
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d demo_db
# -W - to input the password
psql -h -p 5432 -U superadmin -d postgres -W
- For IntelliJ add Adapter for Eclipse Code Formatter
- Add eclipse formatter config
- Add import order file
# generate child module
# for webapp use: org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-webapp
mvnw -f ./pom.xml archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=1.4 -DgroupId=com.ipostu.service.module -DartifactId=service-module
mvnw -f ./spring-jpa-demo-parent/pom.xml clean install -DskipTests
mvnw -f ./spring-jpa-demo-parent/demo16-springboot-docker-layers/pom.xml clean package -DskipTests
# dependency tree
projectName=demo-spring4-war-annotation && mvnw -f ./$projectName/pom.xml dependency:tree
# on VM
nix-shell -p jdk17
nix-shell -p postgresql_16
# host machine
projectName=demo-spring11-jar-boot \
&& mvnw -f ./$projectName/pom.xml clean package \
&& mkdir -p ~/VMSharedD12/_depl \
&& cp -r ./$projectName/target/$projectName ~/VMSharedD12/_depl/$projectName \
&& touch ~/VMSharedD12/_depl/signal1.txt
# bash script file
export CATALINA_HOME=/home/test/apache-tomcat-10.1.35
deploy_war_files() {
echo "Running: stop"
$CATALINA_HOME/bin/ stop
echo "Cleaning: $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/*"
rm -rf $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/*
echo "Copying: ~/Desktop/sharedWithHost/_depl to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps"
cp -r ~/Desktop/sharedWithHost/_depl/* $CATALINA_HOME/webapps
echo "Running: start"
$CATALINA_HOME/bin/ start
while true; do
if [ -f $SIGNAL_FILE ]; then
rm -rf ~/Desktop/sharedWithHost/_depl
sleep 0.5
Maven surefire plugin doesn't see non-public test classes as well as non-public test class methods
- if
is undefined, it will createcatalina.home_IS_UNDEFINED
in the path where the program is run
- if
- GET /posts
- POST /posts
- GET /posts/new
- GET /posts/:id/edit
- GET /posts/:id
- PATCH /posts/:id
- DELETE /posts/:id
REST (representational state transfer)
- GET /posts
- GET /posts/:id
- POST /posts
- PATCH /posts/:id
- DELETE /posts/:id
<form />
in html only supports: GET and POST, but in order to do all kind of requests spring usesHiddenHttpMethodFilter
Configure postgres on VM with Debian 12 with nix-shell
nix-shell -p postgresql_16
initdb -D ./pgdata
sudo chown test /run/postgresql
sudo chown <user> /run/postgresql
pg_ctl -D ./pgdata -l logfile start
psql -d postgres
connect via postgres user -
psql -U superadmin -d postgres -W
# IPv4 local connections host all all scram-sha-256 # IPv6 local connections host all all ::/0 scram-sha-256
->password_encryption = scram-sha-256
Enable remote TCP connections, edit
- fromlisten_addresses='localhost'
pg_ctl -D ./pgdata -l logfile restart
restart postgres process
sudo pkill -e postgre
sudo chown -R test: /run/postgresql
pg_ctl -D ./pgdata -l logfile restart
Virtualbox VM
- Networking: NAT -> Bridged Adapter - expose VM to network
- Run on guest OS
ip addr
and use this ip in host OS
spring's implementation ofDataSource
which creates a new connection whengetConnection
is called -
1000x more optimized that inserting/updating records in loop -
In postres (and any other RDMS)
without explicit order return records by order of insertion BUTUPDATE
query breaks this order, so the only one guarantee of order is with explicitORDER BY
There is a way to define custom
annotations with custom logic, the impl. is used automatically, client code should only use annotation- To use spring beans, it is necessary to use a different approach, a custom bean which implements
, the bean should be used manually (no annotations)
- To use spring beans, it is necessary to use a different approach, a custom bean which implements
Thymeleaf template engine by default doesn't support
, it is needed to runnew ThymeleafViewResolver().setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8")
To use hibernate, add jdbc driver, hibernate-core and
Hibernate usage: create hibernate
instance (internally
), createsessionFactory
(expensive op.), create session,session.beginTransaction(); op. session.getTransaction().commit();
Hibernate caches items inside the transaction
It is required in case of OneToMany to set item on both sides in order to avoid cache inconsistencies, e.g. Person -> List, if a new item is created,
person.getItems().add(item); item.setPerson(person);
Hibernate life-cycles:
- Transient - entity type object created by client code, becomes Persistent after
- Persistent (Managed) -
is Persistent, in other words if client code calls setters, then hibernate will notice it and will execute related sql onsession.getTransaction().commit()
- Detached -
or whensession
is closed, can be linked to Persistent Context throughsession.merge(...)
- Removed - entity object after
- Transient - entity type object created by client code, becomes Persistent after
Owning side (entity) is an entity which doesn't have @One|ManyToOne|Many(mapedBy="..."), in other words it is the opposite entity
fetch = FetchType.LAZY|EAGER
- OneToMany and ManyToMany by default are Lazy
- OneToOne and ManyToOne by default is Eager
is used to load lazy entities, after this call we can useperson.getItems()
in detachedperson
Persistence context = Level 1 cache
Hibernate core(main hibernate dependency) by default provides and implement
renamed tojakarta.persistence.*
which is JPA specification -
N+1 problem
// 1 Query List<Person> people = session.createQuery("SELECT p FROM Person p", Person.class); // N Queries for(Person person : people) {"Person {} has: {}", person.getName(), person.getItems()); } // Result: // 1 time: SELECT * FROM person; // N times: SELECT * FROM items WHERE person_id=?
do not help! -
Solution 1 - HQL with LEFT JOIN FETCH
List<Person> people = session.createQuery("SELECT p FROM Person p LEFT JOIN FETCH p.items", Person.class);
Difference between
doesSELECT ...
on callsession.load
returns a proxy object with only one populated field,id
, if client code calls anyget
method on the column field, then the proxy will doSELECT ...
- usage of
Item item = new Item("..."); Person personProxy = session.load(id, Person.class); item.setOwner(personProxy);;
Spring Data JPA exposes an API for paging and sorting, e.g.:
peopleRepository.findAll(PageRequest.of(0, 20, Sort.Order(Sort.Direction.DESC, "name"), new Sort.Order(Sort.Direction.DESC, "age")))));
tells hibernate to ignore this field -
Build and run spring-boot app:
projectName=demo-spring11-jar-boot && mvnw -f ./$projectName/pom.xml clean package && java -jar ./demo-spring11-jar-boot/target/demo-spring11-jar-boot-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
projectName=demo-spring11-jar-boot && mvnw -f ./$projectName/pom.xml spring-boot:run
Spring Security - general
- client code should implement
- it takes as an input
- returns as an output
Cookie/Sessions == Map<String, Object>
- After successful login,
is stored in session and linked to cookie which is returned to user - Spring security provides a filter which gets by cookie principal object and keeps it in thread local for the current request
- it takes as an input
- client code should implement
Spring Boot Security Starter
- By default all mappings are secured, default username is
, the password is shown in cli:Using generated security password: d7d4e2e1-7caf-467c-a54b-4fe48ffc30c9
- By default all mappings are secured, default username is
Spring Security
@Component public class AuthProviderImpl implements AuthenticationProvider
isn't required, spring provides its own one, the client code should only define new one if an additional logic is needed
CSRF - Cross Site Request Forgery
- Protection for endpoints that change data, such as PUT/POST/DELETE
- Backend generates one time token which is injected into the html and is hidden for user
- On request this token is also added into the body of request and backend verifies it
Authorization in pring security
- Authority - allowed action, e.g.
- Role
- Authority - allowed action, e.g.
is exactly same as.hasAuthority("ROLE_ADMIN")
can return json response only if method is annotated with@ResponseBody
, by default it tries to resolve view@RestController
doesn't require@ResponseBody
, it returns JSON by default- JWT JsonWebToken
- Header, Payload, Signature
- Bean pre|post processor
- AOP xml|java
- Sql stored procedure with transaction & CallableStatement
- Spring web + JaxRS (Jersey)
- grpc
- JPA: column based on
ordinal|string|custom value (Converter usage)
- Embedded tomcat
- Accessible through:
- Context initialization via implementing
- Liquibase + Spring Boot
- Liquibase is triggered on spring boot startup
- Flyway (default config) in combination with spring boot
- Different kind of keys (autoincrement, UUID string, UUIDD binary)
- natural vs. surrogate key
- composite keys
JDBC usage + flyway config
JDBC Template
JPA EntityManagerFactory/EntityManager and TypedQuery usage
JPA EntityManagerFactory/EntityManager and TypedQuery usage
+ @NamedQuery (query on entity class annotation)
Pagination (Imperative JPA (EntityManager & TypedQuery), JDBC Template, JpaRepository)
Hibernate mappings OneToMany, ManyToMany, @Embedded/@Embeddable, @Version for optimistic lock
Before main run
N+1 -
does left join@OneToMany(mappedBy = "orderHeader", cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.REMOVE}, fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @Fetch(FetchMode.SUBSELECT) private Set<OrderLine> orderLines;
- q
- Use case: on write(insert/update) data should be encrypted, on read(select) decrypted
- Hibernate Interceptor - write works, read has a bug for
, the state arg is always null. Details One insert and one update as one transaction
- Hibernate Listener - works, test is also working, precondition is to turn off the
config bean- One insert and one update as one transaction
- JPA Callback - works, test is also working, precondition is to turn off the
config beans- One insert
- JPA Converter - works, test is also working, best option!
- One insert
- Hibernate Interceptor - write works, read has a bug for
GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/beer
GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/beer/search/findAllByBeerStyle?beerStyle=ALE
GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/beer/a5d1917a-de91-4172-aac8-a3399883d2b2
# Create
POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/beer
"beerName": "Mango Bobs - 990",
"beerStyle": "ALE",
"upc": "0631234200036",
"quantityOnHand": 4344,
"price": 10.26
GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/beer/578b5f18-0a64-4a6c-a056-8d0d22e9d8ab
# Update
PUT http://localhost:8080/api/v1/beer/578b5f18-0a64-4a6c-a056-8d0d22e9d8ab
"beerName": "Mango Bobs - AAA",
"beerStyle": "ALE",
"upc": "0631234200036",
"quantityOnHand": 4344,
"price": 10.26
# Delete
DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/v1/beer/578b5f18-0a64-4a6c-a056-8d0d22e9d8ab
Simple image
FROM openjdk:21
ENV JAVA_OPTS " -Xms512m -Xmx512m"
WORKDIR application
COPY ./spring-jpa-demo-parent/demo16-springboot-docker-layers/target/demo16-springboot-docker-layers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ./
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "demo16-springboot-docker-layers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"]
Layered spring boot image
FROM openjdk:21 AS builder
WORKDIR application
ADD ./spring-jpa-demo-parent/demo16-springboot-docker-layers/target/demo16-springboot-docker-layers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ./
RUN java -Djarmode=layertools -jar demo16-springboot-docker-layers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar extract
FROM openjdk:21
WORKDIR application
COPY --from=builder application/dependencies/ ./
COPY --from=builder application/spring-boot-loader/ ./
COPY --from=builder application/snapshot-dependencies/ ./
COPY --from=builder application/application/ ./
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "", "org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher"]
# build regular image with fat jar
docker build -f ./spring-jpa-demo-parent/demo16-springboot-docker-layers/src/main/dockerBase/Dockerfile -t demo16 .
# run container
docker run demo16
# build layered spring boot application
docker build -f ./spring-jpa-demo-parent/demo16-springboot-docker-layers/src/main/docker/Dockerfile -t demo16 .
# run container
docker run demo16
JDBC Template with transaction handling
public interface AccountService {
// @Transactional
void updateAccountFunds();
// @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NESTED)
void addFundsToAccount(int amount);
public class SpringTransactionDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public interface AccountService {
void updateAccountFunds();
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NESTED)
void addFundsToAccount(int amount);
public class SpringTransactionDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Event streaming platform Main capabilities:
- Publish(Produce)/Subscribe(Consume) to streams of events, including continuous import/export of data from another system
- To store streams of events
- To process streams of events as they occur or retrospectively
- Kafka Cluster - set of brokers which consume/produce events, if one broker is down, the job is taken by another one
- Kafka Topic - FIFO structure to which event is assigned, it has a name
- Partition - Storage Room which is a part of a topic
- Each partition will save incoming message in the same order according to the sequence in which they come
- Partition is a way to achieve parralelism
- Messages are stored in order for each partition
- Order across partition is not guaranteed
- Each message has offset started from zero
- Offset - a number assigned to each partition which references to an event, if event is processed the offset is incremented
- Each consumer in the group maintains a specific offset
- Each partition will save incoming message in the same order according to the sequence in which they come
- Partition - Storage Room which is a part of a topic
- Retention Period - messages are stored on the hard drive for a certain amount of time
- Default is 7 days (configurable)
- Message is immutable
- Define partition when creates topic
- Can add partition later
- Can't delete partition later (delete partition = delete data)
- Producer sends message to Kafka
- Sends to a specific topic + message content
- Kafka will automatically select partition (partition can be selected programatically if needed)
- Kafka Producer Key - a value for which the hash is calculated and selected a partition, if a new partition is added, the message can go to another partition
- Consumer guaranteed to read data in order for each partition
- Order is incrementing by offset (low offset to high), cannot reverse
- Each partition maximum one consumer per consumer group
- If there are 2 partitions and 3 consumers, 1 consumer will be idle
- One consumer can read from more than one partition
- Consumer group is a set of consumers which can consume from the same topic/partition same events but to process them differently (Each consumer in the group maintains a specific offset)
- Consumer groups (for the same topic/partition) process events in parallel
- Consumer Offset
- Kafka Saves this value
- Unique for each partition
- Checkpoint that indicates last read
- Consumer chose when to saving(commit) offset
- At most once
- Zero (unprocessed) or once (processed)
- Possible message loss (on error process)
- At least once
- Once or more
- Something wrong, able to re-process
- Create idempotent consumer
- Exactly once
- Once only
- Hard to implement
- Kafka designed for high availability
- Kafka cluster: group of kafka brokers (servers)
- Zookeper manages those brokers
- Add, Remove(if broker dies), Sync data