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Spring JPA Demo

Sandbox for JPA POCs


Prerequisites and setup

  1. jdk-21, docker, docker-compose
  2. Run docker-compose -f ./docker/dbs-docker-compose.yaml up -d
  3. mvnw -f ./spring-jpa-demo-parent/pom.xml clean install -DskipTests
  4. To test a module like demo1-liquibase
    1. run manually src/main/scripts/mysqlusers.sql
    2. run tests from that module


docker exec -it postgres_demo bash
docker exec -it mysql_demo bash

mysql -h localhost -P 3306 --protocol=tcp -u root -p'qwerty' -D demo_db
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d demo_db

# -W - to input the password
psql -h -p 5432 -U superadmin -d postgres -W

Setup IDE

  1. For IntelliJ add Adapter for Eclipse Code Formatter
  2. Add eclipse formatter config
  3. Add import order file


# generate child module
# for webapp use: org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-webapp
mvnw -f ./pom.xml archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=1.4 -DgroupId=com.ipostu.service.module -DartifactId=service-module

mvnw -f ./spring-jpa-demo-parent/pom.xml clean install -DskipTests

mvnw -f ./spring-jpa-demo-parent/demo16-springboot-docker-layers/pom.xml clean package -DskipTests

# dependency tree
projectName=demo-spring4-war-annotation && mvnw -f ./$projectName/pom.xml dependency:tree

VM Tomcat deploy (dev env)

# on VM
nix-shell -p jdk17
nix-shell -p postgresql_16

# host machine
projectName=demo-spring11-jar-boot \
  && mvnw -f ./$projectName/pom.xml clean package \
  && mkdir -p ~/VMSharedD12/_depl \
  && cp -r ./$projectName/target/$projectName ~/VMSharedD12/_depl/$projectName \
  && touch ~/VMSharedD12/_depl/signal1.txt

# bash script file

export CATALINA_HOME=/home/test/apache-tomcat-10.1.35

deploy_war_files() {
  echo "Running: stop"
  $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ stop

  echo "Cleaning: $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/*"
  rm -rf $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/*

  echo "Copying: ~/Desktop/sharedWithHost/_depl to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps"
  cp -r ~/Desktop/sharedWithHost/_depl/* $CATALINA_HOME/webapps

  echo "Running: start"
  $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ start

while true; do
  if [ -f $SIGNAL_FILE ]; then
    rm -rf ~/Desktop/sharedWithHost/_depl

  sleep 0.5


  • Maven surefire plugin doesn't see non-public test classes as well as non-public test class methods

  • logback.xml

    • if ${catalina.home} is undefined, it will create catalina.home_IS_UNDEFINED in the path where the program is run
  • CRUD

    • GET /posts
    • POST /posts
    • GET /posts/new
    • GET /posts/:id/edit
    • GET /posts/:id
    • PATCH /posts/:id
    • DELETE /posts/:id
  • REST (representational state transfer)

    • GET /posts
    • GET /posts/:id
    • POST /posts
    • PATCH /posts/:id
    • DELETE /posts/:id
  • The <form /> in html only supports: GET and POST, but in order to do all kind of requests spring uses HiddenHttpMethodFilter

  • Configure postgres on VM with Debian 12 with nix-shell

    • nix-shell -p postgresql_16

    • initdb -D ./pgdata

    • sudo chown test /run/postgresql

    • sudo chown <user> /run/postgresql

    • pg_ctl -D ./pgdata -l logfile start

    • psql -d postgres connect via postgres user


    • psql -U superadmin -d postgres -W

      • pg_hba.conf
        # IPv4 local connections
        host all all scram-sha-256
        # IPv6 local connections
        host all all ::/0 scram-sha-256
    • pgdata/postgresql.conf -> password_encryption = scram-sha-256

    • Enable remote TCP connections, edit pgdata/postgresql.conf - from listen_addresses='localhost' to listen_addresses='*'

    • pg_ctl -D ./pgdata -l logfile restart

    • restart postgres process

      • sudo pkill -e postgre
      • sudo chown -R test: /run/postgresql
      • pg_ctl -D ./pgdata -l logfile restart
  • Virtualbox VM

    • Networking: NAT -> Bridged Adapter - expose VM to network
    • Run on guest OS ip addr and use this ip in host OS
  • DriverManagerDataSource spring's implementation of DataSource which creates a new connection when getConnection is called

  • jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate 1000x more optimized that inserting/updating records in loop

  • In postres (and any other RDMS) SELECT * FROM ... without explicit order return records by order of insertion BUT UPDATE query breaks this order, so the only one guarantee of order is with explicit ORDER BY

  • There is a way to define custom jakarta.validation annotations with custom logic, the impl. is used automatically, client code should only use annotation

    • To use spring beans, it is necessary to use a different approach, a custom bean which implements org.springframework.validation.Validator, the bean should be used manually (no annotations)
  • Thymeleaf template engine by default doesn't support UTF-8, it is needed to run new ThymeleafViewResolver().setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8")

  • To use hibernate, add jdbc driver, hibernate-core and

  • Hibernate usage: create hibernate Configuration instance (internally reads, create sessionFactory (expensive op.), create session, session.beginTransaction(); op. session.getTransaction().commit();

  • Hibernate caches items inside the transaction

  • It is required in case of OneToMany to set item on both sides in order to avoid cache inconsistencies, e.g. Person -> List, if a new item is created, person.getItems().add(item); item.setPerson(person);

  • Hibernate life-cycles:

    • Transient - entity type object created by client code, becomes Persistent after
    • Persistent (Managed) - session.get is Persistent, in other words if client code calls setters, then hibernate will notice it and will execute related sql on session.getTransaction().commit()
    • Detached - session.detach or when session is closed, can be linked to Persistent Context through session.merge(...)
    • Removed - entity object after session.remove()
  • Owning side (entity) is an entity which doesn't have @One|ManyToOne|Many(mapedBy="..."), in other words it is the opposite entity

  • fetch = FetchType.LAZY|EAGER

    • OneToMany and ManyToMany by default are Lazy
    • OneToOne and ManyToOne by default is Eager
  • Hibernate.initialize(person.getItems()) is used to load lazy entities, after this call we can use person.getItems() in detached person

  • Persistence context = Level 1 cache

  • Hibernate core(main hibernate dependency) by default provides and implement javax.persistence.* renamed to jakarta.persistence.* which is JPA specification

  • N+1 problem

    // 1 Query
    List<Person> people = session.createQuery("SELECT p FROM Person p", Person.class);
    // N Queries
    for(Person person : people) {"Person {} has: {}", person.getName(), person.getItems());
    // Result:
    // 1 time:  SELECT * FROM person;
    // N times: SELECT * FROM items WHERE person_id=?
    • FetchType.EAGER do not help!

    • Solution 1 - HQL with LEFT JOIN FETCH

      List<Person> people = session.createQuery("SELECT p FROM Person p LEFT JOIN FETCH p.items", Person.class);
  • Difference between session.get and session.load

    • session.get does SELECT ... on call
    • session.load returns a proxy object with only one populated field, id, if client code calls any get method on the column field, then the proxy will do SELECT ...
    • usage of session.load
    Item item = new Item("...");
    Person personProxy = session.load(id, Person.class);
  • Spring Data JPA exposes an API for paging and sorting, e.g.:

    peopleRepository.findAll(PageRequest.of(0, 20,
   Sort.Order(Sort.Direction.DESC, "name"),
                    new Sort.Order(Sort.Direction.DESC, "age")))));
  • @jakarta.persistence.Transient tells hibernate to ignore this field

  • Build and run spring-boot app:

    • projectName=demo-spring11-jar-boot && mvnw -f ./$projectName/pom.xml clean package && java -jar ./demo-spring11-jar-boot/target/demo-spring11-jar-boot-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
    • projectName=demo-spring11-jar-boot && mvnw -f ./$projectName/pom.xml spring-boot:run
  • Spring Security - general

    • client code should implement AuthenticationProvider
      • it takes as an input Authentication+Credentials
      • returns as an output Authentication+Principal
      • Cookie/Sessions == Map<String, Object>
      • After successful login, Principal is stored in session and linked to cookie which is returned to user
      • Spring security provides a filter which gets by cookie principal object and keeps it in thread local for the current request
  • Spring Boot Security Starter

    • By default all mappings are secured, default username is user, the password is shown in cli: Using generated security password: d7d4e2e1-7caf-467c-a54b-4fe48ffc30c9
  • Spring Security

    public class AuthProviderImpl implements AuthenticationProvider
    • AuthenticationProvider isn't required, spring provides its own one, the client code should only define new one if an additional logic is needed
  • CSRF - Cross Site Request Forgery

    • Protection for endpoints that change data, such as PUT/POST/DELETE
    • Backend generates one time token which is injected into the html and is hidden for user
    • On request this token is also added into the body of request and backend verifies it
  • Authorization in pring security

    • Authority - allowed action, e.g. BAN_USER, WITHDRAW_MONEY, SEND_MONEY
    • Role ADMIN, USER
  • .hasRole("ADMIN") is exactly same as .hasAuthority("ROLE_ADMIN")

  • @Controller can return json response only if method is annotated with @ResponseBody, by default it tries to resolve view

    • @RestController doesn't require @ResponseBody, it returns JSON by default
    • JWT JsonWebToken
      • Header, Payload, Signature


  • Bean pre|post processor
  • AOP xml|java
  • Sql stored procedure with transaction & CallableStatement
  • Spring web + JaxRS (Jersey)
  • grpc
  • JPA: column based on Enum ordinal|string|custom value (Converter usage)


Spring mvc demo1

Demo webapp 1

  • Embedded tomcat
  • Accessible through: http://localhost:8080/springapp/app
  • Context initialization via implementing WebApplicationInitializer

spring-jpa-demo-parent - demo1-liquibase

  • Liquibase + Spring Boot
  • Liquibase is triggered on spring boot startup

spring-jpa-demo-parent - demo2-flyway

  • Flyway (default config) in combination with spring boot

spring-jpa-demo-parent - demo3-ids

  • Different kind of keys (autoincrement, UUID string, UUIDD binary)
  • natural vs. surrogate key
  • composite keys

spring-jpa-demo-parent - demo4-jdbc

JDBC usage + flyway config

spring-jpa-demo-parent - demo5-jdbc-template

JDBC Template

spring-jpa-demo-parent - demo6-hibernate-dao

JPA EntityManagerFactory/EntityManager and TypedQuery usage

spring-jpa-demo-parent - demo7-hibernate-queries

JPA EntityManagerFactory/EntityManager and TypedQuery usage

+ @NamedQuery (query on entity class annotation)

spring-jpa-demo-parent - demo8-jpa-query


spring-jpa-demo-parent - demo9-pagination

Pagination (Imperative JPA (EntityManager & TypedQuery), JDBC Template, JpaRepository)

spring-jpa-demo-parent - demo10-hibernate_mappings

  • Hibernate mappings OneToMany, ManyToMany, @Embedded/@Embeddable, @Version for optimistic lock

  • Before main run testDataLoader

  • N+1 - @Fetch(FetchMode.SUBSELECT) does left join

      @OneToMany(mappedBy = "orderHeader", cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.REMOVE}, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
      private Set<OrderLine> orderLines;

spring-jpa-demo-parent - demo11-inheritance

  • q

spring-jpa-demo-parent - demo12-legacy-db-mapping

spring-jpa-demo-parent - demo13-credit-card-encryption

  • Use case: on write(insert/update) data should be encrypted, on read(select) decrypted
    • Hibernate Interceptor - write works, read has a bug for EmptyInterceptor.onLoad, the state arg is always null. Details
      • One insert and one update as one transaction
    • Hibernate Listener - works, test is also working, precondition is to turn off the InterceptorRegistration config bean
      • One insert and one update as one transaction
    • JPA Callback - works, test is also working, precondition is to turn off the InterceptorRegistration,ListenerRegistration config beans
      • One insert
    • JPA Converter - works, test is also working, best option!
      • One insert

spring-jpa-demo-parent - demo14-multipledatasources

spring-jpa-demo-parent - demo15-springdatarest


GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/beer

GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/beer/search/findAllByBeerStyle?beerStyle=ALE

GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/beer/a5d1917a-de91-4172-aac8-a3399883d2b2

# Create
POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/beer

  "beerName": "Mango Bobs - 990",
  "beerStyle": "ALE",
  "upc": "0631234200036",
  "quantityOnHand": 4344,
  "price": 10.26

GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/beer/578b5f18-0a64-4a6c-a056-8d0d22e9d8ab

# Update
PUT http://localhost:8080/api/v1/beer/578b5f18-0a64-4a6c-a056-8d0d22e9d8ab

  "beerName": "Mango Bobs - AAA",
  "beerStyle": "ALE",
  "upc": "0631234200036",
  "quantityOnHand": 4344,
  "price": 10.26

# Delete
DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/v1/beer/578b5f18-0a64-4a6c-a056-8d0d22e9d8ab

Demo 16 - SpringBoot docker layers

Simple image

FROM openjdk:21

ENV JAVA_OPTS " -Xms512m -Xmx512m"

WORKDIR application

COPY ./spring-jpa-demo-parent/demo16-springboot-docker-layers/target/demo16-springboot-docker-layers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ./

ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "demo16-springboot-docker-layers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"]

Layered spring boot image

FROM openjdk:21 AS builder
WORKDIR application
ADD ./spring-jpa-demo-parent/demo16-springboot-docker-layers/target/demo16-springboot-docker-layers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ./
RUN java -Djarmode=layertools -jar demo16-springboot-docker-layers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar extract

FROM openjdk:21

WORKDIR application
COPY --from=builder application/dependencies/ ./
COPY --from=builder application/spring-boot-loader/ ./
COPY --from=builder application/snapshot-dependencies/ ./
COPY --from=builder application/application/ ./
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "", "org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher"]


# build regular image with fat jar
docker build  -f ./spring-jpa-demo-parent/demo16-springboot-docker-layers/src/main/dockerBase/Dockerfile -t demo16 .

# run container
docker run demo16

# build layered spring boot application
docker build  -f ./spring-jpa-demo-parent/demo16-springboot-docker-layers/src/main/docker/Dockerfile -t demo16 .

# run container
docker run demo16

Other 1

JDBC Template with transaction handling

To use xml base config

public interface AccountService {

    //    @Transactional
    void updateAccountFunds();

    //    @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NESTED)
    void addFundsToAccount(int amount);

public class SpringTransactionDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);


To use annotation driven config

public interface AccountService {

    void updateAccountFunds();

       @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NESTED)
    void addFundsToAccount(int amount);

public class SpringTransactionDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);


Other 2 Spring Security POC

Apache Kafka

Event streaming platform Main capabilities:

  • Publish(Produce)/Subscribe(Consume) to streams of events, including continuous import/export of data from another system
  • To store streams of events
  • To process streams of events as they occur or retrospectively


  • Kafka Cluster - set of brokers which consume/produce events, if one broker is down, the job is taken by another one
  • Kafka Topic - FIFO structure to which event is assigned, it has a name
    • Partition - Storage Room which is a part of a topic
      • Each partition will save incoming message in the same order according to the sequence in which they come
        • Partition is a way to achieve parralelism
        • Messages are stored in order for each partition
        • Order across partition is not guaranteed
        • Each message has offset started from zero
      • Offset - a number assigned to each partition which references to an event, if event is processed the offset is incremented
        • Each consumer in the group maintains a specific offset
  • Retention Period - messages are stored on the hard drive for a certain amount of time
    • Default is 7 days (configurable)
  • Message is immutable
  • Define partition when creates topic
  • Can add partition later
  • Can't delete partition later (delete partition = delete data)

Kafka Producer

  • Producer sends message to Kafka
  • Sends to a specific topic + message content
  • Kafka will automatically select partition (partition can be selected programatically if needed)
  • Kafka Producer Key - a value for which the hash is calculated and selected a partition, if a new partition is added, the message can go to another partition

Kafka Consumer

  • Consumer guaranteed to read data in order for each partition
  • Order is incrementing by offset (low offset to high), cannot reverse
  • Each partition maximum one consumer per consumer group
    • If there are 2 partitions and 3 consumers, 1 consumer will be idle
  • One consumer can read from more than one partition
  • Consumer group is a set of consumers which can consume from the same topic/partition same events but to process them differently (Each consumer in the group maintains a specific offset)
  • Consumer groups (for the same topic/partition) process events in parallel
  • Consumer Offset
    • Kafka Saves this value
    • Unique for each partition
    • Checkpoint that indicates last read

Delivery Semantic

  • Consumer chose when to saving(commit) offset
  • At most once
    • Zero (unprocessed) or once (processed)
    • Possible message loss (on error process)
  • At least once
    • Once or more
    • Something wrong, able to re-process
    • Create idempotent consumer
  • Exactly once
    • Once only
    • Hard to implement

Zookeper (old versions of Kafka)

  • Kafka designed for high availability
  • Kafka cluster: group of kafka brokers (servers)
  • Zookeper manages those brokers
    • Add, Remove(if broker dies), Sync data


  • docker-compose -f [script-file] -p [project] up -d


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