Building strong profile on Competitive coding
CP LEAD GDSC UEMJ | 3⭐Codechef | Flutter Enthusiast | Web Dev | Working @iNeuron | Let's Connect for Knowledge Sharing Talks about #learning, #community, #hackathon, #internship
Engineering student with problem-solving skills and ability to perform well in a team. Student of B.Tech Computer science engineering from the University Of Engineering and management, Jaipur.
🔭 I’m currently working on DSA Machine Learning and Blockchain
🌱 I’m currently learning Flutter, DSA in java , Web development
👯 I’m Working with Eduhub Community and GDSC UEM Jaipur
📝 I regularly write articles on LinkedIn
💬 Ask me about Programming and CP
📫 How to reach me: Linkedin
Cloudflare Developer Challenge Winner 2021