A lightweight RSA encryption, decryption, and digital signature library for Raspberry Pi Pico W using the Arduino-Pico core which includes BearSSL.
- RSA Key Generation - Generate RSA key pairs directly on your microcontroller
- RSA Encryption/Decryption - Secure messages using RSA-OAEP with SHA-256
- Digital Signatures - Sign and verify messages using RSA-PSS
- Simple API - Easy-to-use functions with clear documentation
- Low Resource Usage - Optimized for microcontrollers with limited resources
Edit your project's platformio.ini
platform = https://github.com/maxgerhardt/platform-raspberrypi.git
board = rpipicow
framework = arduino
board_build.core = earlephilhower
board_build.filesystem_size = 0.5m
lib_deps =
; Or if you want to use the latest version from GitHub
; lib_deps =
; https://github.com/IoT-gamer/pico-rsa
- Create a folder named BLENotify in your Arduino libraries folder
- Copy the
files into this folder - Restart the Arduino IDE
This library has been tested with:
- Raspberry Pi Pico W with Arduino-Pico core
It should work with any board that:
- Supports the Arduino-Pico core (which includes BearSSL)
- Has sufficient RAM for RSA operations
- 512 bits: Not recommended for security, but useful for testing
- 1024 bits: Good compromise between security and performance on Pico W
- 2048 bits: Good security, but key generation is very slow on Pico W
The library includes the following examples:
- SimpleEncryptDecrypt: Basic example of RSA encryption and decryption
- SignAndVerify - Shows how to create and verify digital signatures
PicoRSA(uint32_t keyBits = 1024);
Creates a new PicoRSA instance with the specified key size in bits.
bool generateKeyPair(uint32_t publicExponent = 65537);
Generates a new RSA key pair with the specified public exponent.
size_t encrypt(const uint8_t* message, size_t messageLen,
uint8_t* output, size_t outputMaxLen);
Encrypts a message using RSA-OAEP with SHA-256. Returns the length of the encrypted data.
bool decrypt(uint8_t* data, size_t* messageLen);
Decrypts a message that was encrypted with RSA-OAEP. Updates messageLen
with the length of the decrypted data.
bool signMessage(const uint8_t* message, size_t messageLen,
uint8_t* signature, size_t saltLen = 20);
Signs a message using RSA-PSS with SHA-256.
bool verifyMessage(const uint8_t* signature, size_t signatureLen,
const uint8_t* message, size_t messageLen,
size_t saltLen = 20);
Verifies a message signature created with RSA-PSS.
size_t getMaxEncryptLen() const;
Returns the maximum message length that can be encrypted with the current key size.
size_t getSignatureLen() const;
Returns the length of signatures produced by this key.
uint32_t getKeyBits() const;
Returns the key size in bits.
bool hasKeys() const;
Returns true if keys have been generated.
void addEntropy(const uint8_t* seed, size_t seedLen);
Adds additional entropy to the random number generator.
- Key Generation: RSA key generation requires good entropy. The library collects entropy from analog inputs, but consider adding additional entropy sources for critical applications.
- Key Size: 1024-bit RSA is a good compromise for Pico W.
- Storage: This library does not handle persistent storage of keys. For production use, implement secure key storage.
For critical applications, consider improving the entropy for key generation:
// Create additional entropy from various sources
uint8_t extraEntropy[32];
// Use floating analog pins
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
extraEntropy[i] = analogRead(A0 + i) & 0xFF;
// Use WiFi if available (Pico W)
#ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_RP2040
#include <WiFi.h>
if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) {
extraEntropy[8] = WiFi.RSSI() & 0xFF;
// Add the entropy before generating keys
PicoRSA rsa(1024);
rsa.addEntropy(extraEntropy, sizeof(extraEntropy));
This library is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
- Based on BearSSL by Thomas Pornin
- Developed using Arduino-Pico core by Earle F. Philhower, III