This is an implementation of an International Data Spaces (IDS) Connector that serves static content (files) using the standard message types defined in the IDS Information Model.
The Connector listens to file system changes in a directory of the local file system. Whenever files are placed in that directory, they are considered to be "artifacts" (i.e., according to the IDS Information Model, static data dumps with a defined content). The Connector assigns an id to these artifacts (a URL), as well as a semantic description. Furthermore, they are added to the Connector's self-description so that they can be retrieved by consumer Connectors.
If you have the necessary developer tools (Maven, Java) installed on your machine, the Connector can be built like this:
Note: You require proper login Credentials for the DAPS Service. Put the required key and truststore under resources. Example: my-keystore.jks, my-truststore.jks
- navigate to the project's root directory,
- type
mvn clean package
(builds the Connector).
After that you can find an executable jar in the docker/mdm-connector
directory. This jar may be exectued on it's own.
In order to enable TLS (via reverse proxy), and additional features, we provide a docker-compose
file to conveniently run both the Connector, the reverse proxy, and additonal apps by executing
cd docker && docker-compose build && docker-compose up
(builds the Docker images and runs the service(s)).
If you can't or don't want to build the Connector from source, just type
cd docker && docker-compose up
(which fetches the necessary images from a public repository).
The EI-Connector currently has the following possible App-integrations enabled by default:
- SFTP Inclusion - SFTP tunneling to a shared folder for deploying and sharing artifacts in remote connectors
- Semantic Instance Manger - GUI based creation and serialization of Objects compliant with the IDS Information Model including Messages
A documentation of these Apps can be found below.
Once the Connector is started, it listens for changes in a configured directory (default is /var/ids/artifacts for the stand-alone connector and $local_dir/mdm-connector/docker/shared/artifacts). If files are placed in this directory, they are added to the Connector's self-description (retrievable by default at http://localhost:8080/). An exemplary self-description after a file has been added is depicted below:
Note that there exists an entry with the @id
, which represents an artifact that
is hosted by the Connector. In order to retrieve this artifact, a consumer Connector needs to send an ArtifactRequestMessage
defined in the IDS Information Model) to the connector. As this implementation makes use of the HTTP protocol, the message is sent by
the consumer Connector to the provider Connector (an instance of this implementation) as multipart document to http://localhost:8080/data
This concept is defined and explained in more detail in the IDS Handshake Document.
The message's header part looks like this (no payload part is required):
"@id" : "",
"@type" : "ids:ArtifactRequestMessage",
"modelVersion" : "1.0.2",
"issued" : "2019-01-17T14:51:19.438Z",
"issuerConnector" : "",
"requestedArtifact" : ""
As a result, the Connector returns a multipart message of type ArtifactResponseMessage
in the header and the artifact's content
in the payload part. The process is also documented in the form of an acceptance test.
Publishing artifacts is as easy as copying them to the observed directory. Optionally, you can also add ContractOffers (-contract.jsonld) and descriptions (-desc.(ttl|jsonld) in RDF according to the IDS Information Model. If no metadata files are supplied, default ones are used.
Use the bash scripts in the documentation directory to send your first messages to the connector endpoint. Please note that the ArtifactRequestMessage requires a correct Artifact URI. You can find one by checking the MDM Connector self-description at the root path.
A Reverse Proxy is used to handle all incoming messages. It provides two HTTPS secured endpoints (/data and /infrastructure) for regular IDS Messages, and one plain HTTP (path: /) for the basic connector description in JSON-LD. For now, the connector will respond to a DescriptionRequestMessage, an ArtifactRequestMessage, and a ContractOffer-, ContractRequest-, and ContractAgreementMessage as specified in the IDS Handshake Document, including a response with a RejectionMessage. Note that, even if the IDS request fails, an HTTP 20* status code is returned but with an according IDS rejection message. Support for more message types may be added in the future.
The MDM Connector code heavily relies on the IDS Components (IAIS git, for access ask Sebastian Bader). Custom MessageHandler for any IDS Message can be added and registered in the AppConfig class. Properties, for instance URLs of IDS infrastructure components, are inserted in the file.
The connector listens through Artifact Listener via Artifact Change Manager. User(Consumer) can modify and delete artifact files available in the local directory. For add operations if a Contract Offer is formed it is linked properly with other resource. The linking between a resource(artifact) and Contract Offer is done through Contract which provides Abstract set of rules governing usage of resource. This resource also contains artifacts corresponding to contract offer format for artifact, description and contract containing the permissions and prohibitions. For removing each contract is only deactivated through its corresponding the artifact.
Directory watcher class takes care that all the artifacts available in this directory of directory watcher are being monitored. Hence it monitors external file IO operations as events which includes permissions to local files. Permissions are taken care with the help of a key provided. Directory Watcher keeps track of active artifact listeners available and notifies in case any discrepancies happening with artifacts while modifying them. Each event is created new or modified or deleted with the help of a watch service. A watch service that watches registered objects for changes and events. For example, a file manager may use a watch service to monitor a directory for changes so that it can update its display of the list of files when files are created or deleted.
Contract Util Class handles creation of new contract offers and contract agreements via the incoming Contract Requests for the consumers and providers. Incoming contract request are compared with Contract Offer coming from Artifact Listener. Additional functionalities, also include the comparison of contracts.
Provides interactor component class named LoggingInteractor for sending Message and Payload to an External Logging Service, where Inclusion of DAPS might be possible. Another component class to interact with remote broker is to Remotecomponentinteractor. Hence all the remote broker operations like registers and deregistering or updating are handled by Remote Broker Logging class.
Handlers are message handlers that process the incoming request messages and send the response as per the required incoming request.
Information as add on: ArtifactIndex provides all the required functions for Artifacts, Contracts, Negotiations and makes sure that in case they are present and extends ArtifactFileProvider interface which provides the file.
Handles the incoming request for the artifact provides the requested artifact. Contract information is fetched from the requested artifact. The generation of artifact response is dependent on whether the request has a valid contract or not. If artifact has a contract attached with it, then a Contract Agreement is looked upon further.
Checks whether a ContractAgreement is acceptable or should be rejected. Check if the incoming requested Contract agreement and its sender(consumer) follow the contract offer standards mentioned in ContractUtil (as explained above).
This class rejects ContractOfferMAP.
Contract Negotiation Handler from Provider perspective. This class performs the following functions to handle the incoming request message:
• To handle the incoming request message it tests if the Message Payload, artifact , sender agent is present. Apart from that it checks from the received contract request whether or not the contract matches already existing contract. • For contract negotiation acceptance it converts the request to final agreement • Sends a final Contract Agreement Message on the basis of ContractRequest to the consumer. • Creates a Default Contract Offer to send it to the targetArtifact of Consumer as contract response.
This class checks for all resources and processes them. This class checks on the availability of the required artifacts in the requested message. A particular artifact fetched from the target of the requested message. Another function of this class is to process the negotiation of contract. By converting request to agreement and release the final contractagreement formed on the basis of the incoming contractagreementmessage for the negotiation.
This class provides with DescriptionResponseMap based on incoming DescriptionResquestMap. Here it is made sure that entities like Resource Catalog and its resources are available. As the DescriptionResponse map is dependent(or formed based) on the Resource Catalog and its resources.
Self-description contains primary information for any infrastructure component. Hence the creation of all entities like Resources, under ResourceCatalog, Constraint, Representation and Contract Offer at Component Level (For a given BaseConnector). DynamicArtifactSelfDescriptionProvider and SelfDescriptionProvider are other classes for references. Hence whole connector response comes through DynamicConnectorSelfDescription. (This is only used in two Cases, either a user opens the landing page in the browser or sends a DescritopnRequestMessage)
Class for sending incoming and outgoing Message And Payload to an External Logging Service(Logger). This class also takes care of message formats with the help of class named Multipart. (All information in the IDS is exchanged as HTTP Multipart, so this class is used in all of the Interaction Handlers)
App Config class is responsible for internal wiring of the connector. This class acts as a starting point for sending message requests from Provider’s end via all the message Handlers, hence providing a base for components. Apart from that it takes care of DAPS security configuration by generating security token with the help of certificate available on the local system.
LocalConnectorConfig class takes care of the local component which is here Connector information like URL, Maintainer and Model version of the Local Connector.
The SFTP Integration is based on a seperate Docker Container.
That Docker Container internally mounts the hosts volume ./docker/shared
as the home repository
of the preconfigured user IDS. By binding keys from the host's /mdm-connector/docker/sftp/user-keys
to the container
internal /home/ids/.ssh/
the used Public Keys can be exchanged on Startup of the Connector. You can use and configure the SFTP connection as following:
- For starting an SFTP Connection
sftp -o IdentityFile=<PrivateKey> -P 2222 ids@<host> sftp -o IdentityFile=TestingKeysFraunhoferIAIS -P 2222 ids@hostname
For changing the Public-Private Keys for logging in: Replace the PUBLIC key stored in
For Providing Server Certificates: Replace the files stored in
Despite a public key authentication, also a standard login can be used. Although not recommended, change the
line in the docker-compose.yml file.command: ids:<Password>:1002
For disabling Password Login revert to
command: ids::1002
- After SFTP login the user cannot PUT or GET files: The permissions of the hosts folder /shared/ are not sufficiently specified. You might be required to give also non-owners (docker) read and write access
To be documented
To be documented
Releases conform to the major and minor IDS Information Model versions.
- Open Source Publication
- Added Contract Handshake for Requested Artifacts
- Added SFTP integration
- Automatic generation of Example Contracts and Descriptions
- Enables Information Model 3.0.0
- Extracted Negotiation Library
2.0.2. (unpublished)
- Has a functioning implementation of the Negotiation USE-Case
- Includes the google docker app by default
2.0.0. (unpublished)
- Version numbering changes from now on according to the respective Information Model used with sub-indexing of the actual number.
- Enables Information Model 2.0.0
- Update to JAVA 11, Update Dependencies to new versions.
- Attach more semantic information to the artifacts through descriptions
- Implement a generic method to provide additional metadata for the artifacts that the Connector serves
- Register at a DAPS on startup
- Verify incoming security tokens
- Detect artifacts automatically on startup
- Register at a Broker on startup
- Dennis Kubitza ([email protected])
- Sebastian Bader ([email protected])
- Christian Mader
- Benedikt Imbusch