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【不正常的漏洞/特性】Something isn't working
【待检查的内容】Content to be checked
【正在开发的内容】Developing contents
【已经存在相同/类似问题】This issue or pull request already exists
【看上去好像不太对】This doesn't seem right
【还在计划中的内容】Still planning
【待迁移的内容】Wait for porting
【会在后续处理的问题,目前优先级较低】Issues that will be dealt with in the future, currently have a low priority
【目前正在尝试解决/修复该问题】Currently trying to resolve/fix the issue
【已经解决了的问题】The problem solved
【可能要到很久以后才会更新的内容】Content that may not be updated until much later
【该情况将会保持现状】This will not be worked on