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Getting Started

azazelm3dj3d edited this page Aug 1, 2023 · 3 revisions

Running ThreatKB

It's best to run the application and it's Python virtualenv within a screen session to ensure ThreatKB continues to run.

Note: Within screen, Ctrl+a+d will dettach your session and return you to your normal shell. To return to the screen session, run screen -r threatkb

  1. Start a screen session for the application to run within:
    • cd /opt/ThreatKB && screen -dmS threatkb InQuest_ThreatKB
  2. Inside of screen, start the virtualenv:
    • source env/bin/activate
  3. Start the celery workers:
    • celery -A app.celeryapp.celery work -E
    • This is required in order for testing against your clean corpus of files
  4. Build the database tables and columns:
    • env/bin/python3 db upgrade
  5. Run the application:
    • env/bin/python3
    • Follow the instructions below on creating your first Admin user before continuing to next step
  6. Open your browser to!/login and get started using ThreatKB!

Admin User Creation

  1. Hash your password for MySQL kb_users table:
    • env/bin/python3 yourSecretPassword
  2. Connect to MySQL instance and insert your admin user (replace values below as needed):
    • INSERT INTO kb_users (email, password, admin, active) VALUES ('[email protected]', '<hashed password>', 1, 1);

Installation Complete

ThreatKB is now running. To learn more about this project, explore the wiki.

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