Terminal used in the gif: cool-retro-term
A simple Flappy Bird clone written in the C language with ncurses library for terminal-based graphics.
Player's objective is to navigate the bird through columns of pipes (not to be confused with UNIX pipes) without colliding to them as much as possible.
First, we have to install WSL. You can simply install WSL by following this YouTube tutorial
After installation, we can now install the required packages, dependencies and build our code by writing these commands to the shell:
$ sudo apt install git build-essential libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libsqlite3-dev libcjson-dev
$ git clone https://github.com/Ibrahimbag/Terminal-Bird.git
$ cd Terminal-Bird
$ make && sudo make install
To build our code, you need git
, make
, C standart library, ncurses
, sqlite3
, cjson
and a compiler (such as GCC
, Clang
or etc) installed on your system.
$ sudo apt install git build-essential libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libsqlite3-dev libcjson-dev
$ sudo pacman -S git base-devel ncurses sqlite cjson
After installing all the required packages, we can now clone and build our code:
$ git clone https://github.com/Ibrahimbag/Terminal-Bird.git
$ cd Terminal-Bird
$ make && sudo make install
To start the game, simply run the compiled binary:
$ terminal-bird
Use Arrow keys to navigate menus, SPACE key to fly, Q key to quit the game.
Make sure you cd to the Terminal-Bird folder and run the following command to the terminal:
$ make clean && sudo make uninstall
Although most people are probably fine with the default configurations,
You can configure some things in Terminal Bird, such as game speed, colors,
display, keybinds, etc.
Unfortunately, for now I didn't implement the TUI menu for configuring the game;
However, you can configure it by editing the configuration file like how written in the
description at the uncompleted options menu.
Here down below are the ways how you can configure the game
Edit the configuration file located at ~/.Terminal-Bird/configurations.json
$ [YOUR_TEXT_EDITOR] ~/.Terminal-Bird/configurations.json
and change the values like how you want
IMPORTANT NOTE: When you build the game again, configurations gets overwritten -
Edit the configuration file from the cloned repo and build it again
cd into the cloned repo and then run this command:
$ [YOUR_TEXT_EDITOR] configurations.json
and change the values like how you want
then, clean and build the game again:$ make clean && make
Building the code in root causes this issue. To fix this, first uninstall the game:
$ make clean && sudo make uninstall
and then build it again like this:
$ make && sudo make install
I don't know the explanation for this; However, this happens to me in some terminals such as Windows 11 default command line, xterm, uxterm and etc.
If you are experiencing the same issue, then consider changing your terminal.
If your terminal doesn't support some characters displayed on the game,
it will show the replacement characters "�" instead.
I didn't implemented configurations for characters used for bird and pipe yet. So, there are two solutions you can apply:
- Change your terminal
- Edit the src/visuals.c file, replace or remove the characters not supported in your terminal and build the code again