This is my complete path and roadmap with the code i have practised to master javascript. This documentation of my journey will be the proof of my work and improvement
High level progression -variables and datatypes -Different kinds of operators and its precedence -Expression , statements -str concatination , multiline string, comments and template literals -conditional if - else if - else statements , switch statements and terenary operator -type conversion and type cohersion in - str , number and boolean -Loops in js , how to do nested looping - for,while,do while -Arrays and its depths -Functions and its depths -Objects and its depths -Classes and its depths -OOPS concepts in JS -Callbacks -Asyncronous Javascript concept -Promises -Async/await
progression and topics learned
- What are value
- What is a variable
- what are datatypes
- what are 7 primitive datatypes
- 3 ways to Declare a variable in js - let,const,var
- console.log function
- Type of operator
- Whats Dynamic typing & its action
- Comments in JS
- What are statements and expressions in js
- What is a operator and a operand -> operator precendence
- Concatenation of string by + operator & template literals
- Multiline strings before ES6 and after ES6
- Conditional if-else statement
- Type conversion and type coercion in numbers , strings and boolean
- Equality operators (== vs ===)
- Inequality operators (!= vs !==)
- Switch statements in JS
- Conditional / terenary operator
- Loops in js - for,while loops
- How to embed loops & use loops to solve pattern questions
- What is an array datastructure
- Looping through an array
- What are objects
- creating complex objects - array of objects and object of arrays
- accessing the elements in an complex object using . (dot) and [""] (bracket) notations
- What are function and its anatomy
- Function declaration, function expression and arrow functions
- Function calling other functions
- Callback functions and how callbacks work
- Anonymous function
- Builtin-functions in string -> String: length, indexOf(), lastIndexOf(), slice(), substring(), replace(),split(), trim(), toUpperCase(), toLowerCase(), etc.
- Builtin-functions in string -> parseInt and parseFloat
- Builtin-functions in arrays ->
Array: push(), pop(), shift(), unshift(), splice(), slice(),concat(), forEach(), map(), filter(), reduce(), find(), sort() - What are classes and how to declare them