This repository contains stub code for functions and classes used in FL Studio's Python API. This includes modules used for
This documentation can be viewed online, or accessed by installing the package from Python's package manager Pip.
For instructions, please visit the documentation website.
We'd love to have your help maintaining this project.
If you'd like to report a bug in FL Studio, or get new features added to FL Studio's Python API, please create a post on the Image-Line forum. The issues tab for this repository should only be used for reporting issues with the stub code.
If you've spotted an issue with the API documentation or stub code, please open an issue and we'll get it fixed up as soon as we can. In particular, we're on the look out for:
- Incorrect type definitions
- Missing functions or constants
- Confusing, missing or poorly-formatted documentation
Dependencies for this project are managed using Poetry. You'll need to install Poetry to contribute to the project.
To install dependencies for the project:
# Install dependencies for the project
poetry install --no-root
# Run the pre-build script
poetry run python -m scripts.build_lib
# Install the library
poetry install
Whenever you modify documentation, you will need to rerun the pre-build script for your changes to be persisted.
Task | Command |
Linting | poetry run ruff check |
Type-checking | poetry run mypy |
poetry run python -m scripts.build_lib
poetry publish --build -u __token__ -p [your PyPI API token]
On GitHub, you can trigger this by creating a release, provided the
secret is set in the repository settings.
You can trigger a build of the documentation site by running:
poetry run python -m scripts.build_docs
If you are using the VS Code text editor,
we recommend using the Live Server Extension
to serve the documentation site, since it automatically refreshes the page
whenever you run the build command. Additionally, VS Code will automatically
run this build command when you press Ctrl+Shift+B
In order to ensure that the documentation is of the highest quality, both online and in library form, the layout is a little complex.
contains the source code for all included modules, divided up based on whether they are a component of MIDI Controller Scripting, Edison Scripting, or Piano Roll Scripting. Each Python file contains function definitions, with docstrings showing their behaviour. -
contains Markdown files and other assets used when building the online documentation. This is merged with the layout ofsrc/
when building documentation, so the resultant site ends up containing the documentation from both directories..pages
files within thedocs/
directory contain a YAML listing for the navigation of this section of the documentation. They are used to re-order and rename elements within the navigation pane of the documentation site.
contains Python scripts for performing common actions such as building the documentation or building the package. -
contains other assets used by the repository, such as Transdoc rule definitions, and docstring templates.