10% of your Final Grade
Do daily readings/weekly and weekly reflections on the newsletters and articles of your choosing from the list. You are to be posting at bare minimum 5 links to your favorite/most interesting articles of the week with a brief reflection on each.
Choose a problem or an issue from the list below, or one you've come across in your affinity readings, and 1). investigate the issue more and 2) ideate on possible solutions.
You must show evidence of your divergent and convergent thinking process for both of these stages.
First you must understand the problem in order to define a goal. You must gather data and information in order to examine the situation. Then you are to formulate your challenge
Then you are to ideate to generate possibilities, given that research. This is where I'm looking for your to stretch your imagination and to seek novelty.
You are to show evidence of your entire process. Remember the principles of Creativity:
1) Defer Judgement
2) Go for Quanity (Extended Effort Principle) Show Lateral Thinking
3) Make Connections (PO, Remix)
4) Seek Novelty - Dream big and go far.
Use Divergent and Convergent thinking tools in each step! Show evidence of your process through documentation of exercises, images and reflections. Remember, I'm looking at the depth of your process; not simply where you end up.
The loss/endangerment of a creature
Loneliness/Changing Social Interactions
The cost/issues with food production
AI & Politics
AI & Energy Consumption
Global Warming effects on a particular area/region. Ex. Arizonia
Social Media & Teens, especially preteens
Farming the Ocean
Waste : Space, Ocean, etc.
I am looking for you to broaden your research techniques to throw your nets wide! Think: science publications, movies, interviews with with professionals and those involved, site visits, etc.
Use 3 techniques from The Pocket Universal Methods of Design in addition to traditional rsearch methods (Journal Articles, Reputable News, Books, THE LIBRARY). Show how you have used these techniques and what they've brought into your project