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DM-UY 1143 C Ideation and Prototyping

Fall 2024 • Katherine Bennett • Mon/Wed 10:00-11:50 • In-person

Affinity Research Project Weekly Brief

Due October 30rd to your Process site and in class that day

10% of your Final Grade

Week 8: Finalize Midterm

  1. Post evidence of your process, documenting and reflective on the evolution of your project. See the midterm brief for the documents I am looking for from you. I am not looking for a hi-fi version. Instead I am looking for how these tools and techniques have informed you. How have them been iterated upon? What growth and realizations have occured? <--- This is what I am looking for from you. Show me this in your process.

  2. See Future Project

Week 7: Stakeholder Maps & Iterating other research documents

  1. Develop a Stakeholder map of all the people involved and affected by this problem/issue. These should be individuals at ALL levels, including benefactors, all people that are negative affected, workers, creators, business people, transportation, commerce, supply, etc. Use your sketchbook (but don't be limited by the pages end), a dry erase board, or Mirro. Take pictures, document the process, and share (upload and/or embedd) them with a reflection. What did you realize? Has something been uncovered?

  2. Find 2-3 valuable resources to support your latest findings.

  3. Execute your Pocket Universal Methods of Design Research

  4. Iterate your Moodboard

  5. Iterate your concept map

  6. Work on your Timeline of Events for your topic

Week 6: Concept Map & Problem Statements

  1. Work to create and refine your problem statement considering the research you have conducted thus far. Has your research or process pointed to new aspects that need to be researched? Post your problem statement and reflect on what research needs to be completed.

  2. Develop a concept map which explores the complexity of your issue. Make sure to title the relationship between entities. Note that a concept map is expansive and diverse. Use your sketchbook (but don't be limited by the pages end), a dry erase board, or Mirro. Take pictures, document the process, and share (upload and/or embedd) them with a reflection. What did you realize? Has something been uncovered?

  3. Given the refinement of your problem statement and concept map, are their new things/realizations/discoveries that need to be researched? Please let us about them and gather a couple new sources on them.

  4. Continue to develop your moodboard, with respect to your research. Your moodboard should be diverse and informed from your research.

  5. Continue to develop your timeline of understanding your topic within the context of it's existence/prevalance/happenings/plot. As such gather important research and annotate it.

  6. Did you miss one of last week's exercises (below)? If so, please do it and post it.

Week 5: Get more specific & precise with your topic. More Research to understand the probelm

  1. Get more specific with your topic. What aspect of your topic do you wish to explore? Brainstorm or mindmap to figure this out. If you are unsure about possibilities, do some research to idenitfy them. Document your process with images, links, and reflections.

    • Identify the WWWWWH (slides) (If you don't know these, do your research on them! Include those are research sources.)
    • Gather your assumptions (slides)
    • 5 Whys (slides) to demonstrate your understing of the probelm. (If you don't know these, work to understand them. Use your research to help you get there.)
  2. Identify 3-6 traditional resources (visit the library), that help you to understand the scope and different aspects of this issue. Post about each with a short reflectio of their value towards your interests in your project.

  3. Brainstorm, sketch, mindmap, possible ways to execute your research options from The Pocket Universal Methods of Design. Write a reflection of what you are thinking of doing and how you will go about it. What do you think this will add to your research? How do you feel about executing it?

  4. Begin creating a timeline which outlines the events leading up to, contributing to, and/or deepening this situation. (due in a couple weeks). This timeline will have iterations over the next few week.

  5. Begin creating a moodboard to visually describe the different levels and scope of this issue. (due in a couple weeks). This moodboard will have iterations over the next few weeks.

Week 4: Identify the topic you wish to you persue for your Midterm Affinity Project.

0. Tell us what it is and begin researching it by finding 2 sources. Post them with a short summary. Tell me about the value of that source with reference to your subject.
1. identifying which prompts you are going to use from The Pocket Universal Methods of Design. 
2. Post both with a reflection on your process site under "Affinity Project".