20% of your final grade
The midterm project is a combination of two separate (and at this point, unrelated) parts.
Affinity Project:
- Brainstorm/mindmap/brain dump of project topic kickoff
- 5 WH of topic (See Miro Board)
- 5 Whys of topic (See Miro Board)
- Assumptions List (See Miro Board)
- How Might We ideation (See Miro Board)
- Problem Statement ideation
- 5 - 8 Traditional (Seconary Research Sources) via an annotated bibliography with details and links to the source.
- Brainstorming and development of 2-3 techniques from The Pocket Universal Methods of Design (TPUMoD)
- Evidence of your work from TPUMoD
- Concept Map
- Stakeholder Map and miro boards
- Moodboard (See slides in Slack)
- Timeline of the problem/situation/challenge and surrounding events
- Personas of 2 people who experience this issue
- Brainstorm/mindmap/brain dump of your knowledge at this point (I'm expecting to see evidence of the Extended Effort Principle)
- Crazy Eights exercise
- Bad Idea Brainstorm
Design Prototype
Identification of the problem and it's audience
Pictures, sketches showing the problem
Evidence of Divergent thinking about this problem. Some possible methods: (Review slides and google doc notes and stories from lecture)
- Lateral Thinking
- Provactive Operation
- Associative Thinking
- Bad Idea brainstorm
Evidence of Convergent thinking about the problem. Some possible methods: (Review slides and google doc notes and stories from lecture)
- Bob Hope's - Double Cross and Circle Club
- Identify the hits from your ideas and brainstorming
- Clustering....is there a theme? What is it
At least 2 Low-fi prototypes which are ideations of each other