week |
(In)Class |
Do For Homework (Assigned on Date Listed and due the following Saturday 10:00 AM EST) |
wk 1: Jan 22 & 27 |
Course Introductions
Overview of the Course & Syllabus
Due on By Feb 1st 10:00am. Post on your Process site under specified headings/categories:
Join Slack via this link
Get a sketchbook and the 3-6 drawing tools (see the list)
Fill out the class survey
Acquire texts: Show Your Work by Austin Kleon
Start reading "Show Your Work"
- Create a list of 20 different things you currently like to do. Post on your Process site under" Constant I/O project.
- Create a robost and extensive Mind Map exploring ideas related to your Constant I/O project . This mind map should be dense, diverse and thorough. Remember: No Judegement! Put your ideas up there. Reserve judgement/evaluation for later. Post this under your Constant I/O on your process site. Include the map and a reflection on where you are at, at the end of this exercise. What are you thinking?
- Write a reflection about each of the following: Tell us about several things you liked to do as a kid. What fascinated you as a kid? What are the things you daydream about? What do you love to do? Post on your Process site under "Constant I/O project".
- Do the Private Eye Game and post the results on your Process site under "Constant I/O project"
- Post a robust list of many things you'd like to possible do for your constant I/O project. Post on Process site under "Constant I/O Project."
wk 2 Jan 29 & Feb 3
Last Day to add/drop is Monday Feb 3rd
Brainstorming: Mindmaps
Screening : The Creative Brain by David Eagleman
Ideation Exercises - 5 Whys, Assumption Map, How Might We
Uploading Images to the Blog & Blog Recap
Group Discussion: Constant Input/Output Maps
Recommended Resources
- Read letters to the next cohort (found on slack resources). Write a brief reflection on your Process Site. Post to your process website under "reflections".
- Read - Show Your Work
- If you are new this week, make sure to do the homework outlined in week 1 (above).
- Write a short reflection of the documentary watched in class - The Creative Brain, and post it on your Process site under "reflections."
- Constant Input/Output: Post the documentation of your process and results of the exercises, including a deep reflection of Constant IO Week 2 Brief
wk 3 Feb 5 & 10 |
Flow Charts & Creating one for your Constant I/O project
Core Project Kick-off
Tool for Creativity: Imagination and Attitude: Yes, and
- Creativity & Assumptions & James Webb Young
- Cabinets of Curiosities & Collecting
- Extra: Questlove's thoughts on collecting - New York Times article
- Time Management System: Actionable Tasks/Steps. Break your tasks down into actionable (do-able in one sitting) steps. Tell us about the process and how that went. Write a reflection and post under "Time Management."
wk 4 Feb 12 & TUESDAY 18 |
Time Management System: Time Blocking & Task Management Matrix
Divergent Thinking + Exercises : Lateral Thinking & Extending Effort Principle
Screening: Everything is a Remix
Tool: Provocative Operations
Identify the topic you wish to you persue for your Core Project. Start researching it by finding 3 sources (traditional sources). Identify them, and write a short blurb on the value of that resource towards your project (this is the start of your annotated bibliography).
Write a short reflection about the divergent thinking exercises in class. Share your list of paper clip idea from your group as well as your sentences.
Time Management System: Time Block & Task Management Try this out for 2-3 days and write a reflection of how it went. Post under "Time Management"
Constant Input/Constant Ouput. Do the next steps in your Constant I/O project. Post a reflection of your progress under "Constant I/O"
Post your thoughts after watching Everything is a Remix. Has this changed your thinking? How so or why not? Reflect. Post under "reflections"
Get NYU MakerSpace Orientation and Training or IDM Maker Space orientation and Training
wk 5 Feb 19 & 24 |
Creative Styles
Four Sight Questionaire
Concept Maps
Discuss Homework
Discuss: Time Management Systems: Introduce KanBan System
Show Your Work
Try a Provocation Operation this week on yourself and/or with others. How did it go? Describe how your thinking changed, or where you got stuck. Write a short reflection and post under "reflections"
Core project Research Check the Core Project Weekly Brief for the specific steps.
Constant Input/Constant Ouput
Time Management System: Kanban System
Get NYU MakerSpace Orientation and Training or IDM Maker Space orientation and Training
wk 6 Feb 26 & March 3 |
Stages of a Creative Process
Time Management:Willpower
Problem Statements & Challenge Statements
StakeHolder Maps
Show Your Work
Post a short reflection on the group activity - Rose, Thorn, Bud. What realizations or new directions are you planning to explore?
Work on Core Project & Research
Constant Input/Constant Ouput
Time Management System: Willpower - Post a reflection about what happens when you give in - what is the context and circumstance? What is going on during those moments? Post outlining your "I will ...., I won't.....and I want...." detailing all three
wk 7 March 5 & 10 |
Discuss Time Management: Willpower Part 2
Stakeholder Exercise
Problem/Project Statements
Introduction to other forms of research: The Pocket Universal Methods of Design (UMD)
Show Your Work
Work on Core Project
Post exercises done in class or outlined in class with a reflection. Post under "Reflections"
Constant Input/Constant Ouput
Time Management System: Willpower Part 2
wk 8 March 12 & 17 |
Storylines + Plots
Discuss: Self Assessment
Future Project
Time Management: Time Audit/Inventory (See Slides)
FINISH: Show Your Work
Post exercises done in class or outlined in class with a reflection. Post under "Reflections"
Future Project Kick Off. Please see the Future Weekly Brief as to how to proceed.
Finish/Refine your Core Project documents
Constant Input/Constant Ouput
Time Management System: Time Inventory
Write your Midterm Self Assessment using the guide linked on the brief. This is due March 23rd. Only do "Self". The others you will do at the end of the semester.
wk 9 March 19 & Monday March 31 |
Future Project
Time Management: Time Inventory
Future Project
Constant Input/Constant Ouput
Time Management System: Unscheduled time
Write your Midterm Self Assessment using the guide linked on the brief. This is due March 23. Only do "Self". The others you will do at the end of the semester.
wk 10 April 2nd & 7th |
Discuss: Homework
In-class exercises - Future Object
Introduce and Discuss Final Presentations
wk 11 April 9th & 14th |
Discuss: Homework
In-class exercises
Discussion: Final Presentation
wk 12 April 16 & 21 |
In-class exercises
Constant Input/Output Presentations next week
wk 13 April 23 & 28 |
Constant Input/Output Presentations
Final Presentation Dry Run/Dress Rehearsal
wk 14 April 30 & May 5 |
Final Future Presentations