This document serves as a weekly guide of how to advance your Core Project.
Design your research endeavour(s) for your Core with reference to your chosen research methods from The Universal Methods of Design PDF
Continue/finish working on your Concept Map to date and post it
Post the current status of your timeline in graphic form
Post the current status of your graphic Stakeholder map
Post a refined Project Statement/Question. If you have not posted an ideated list of possible Project Statements/Questions, post those.
Begin developing a draft of your Concept Map with reference to your topic. Work in your sketchbook or Miro. Document your progress and post it
Continue to develop your moodboard
Continue to add dates & relative events to your timeline
Look over the UMD document (found in slack). Identify 3 research methods that would be beneficial toward your project. Please reflect what these are and what you anticipate gaining from them.
Continue to develop stakeholder list.
Continue to draft your Problem/Project Statements. Reference the slides about Statements as a guide. Document your efforts and progress
Gather additional resources, as needed. Write a short reflection of what's new or evolving in your project. Where do you need help?
Continue to probe and review your research. Is this confirming your assumptions or negating?
Work on your Statements for your project. Perhaps it's a problem statement, How Might We...., How to ...., In what ways might we....." Work to craft this statement. Write a short reflection on where you are at. Talk about how you should then steer your research?
Work to gather 2-3 more sources. Annotate their topic and use towards your project
Continue to organize and collect dates for your timeline. Post the information/data.
Continue to add to your moodboard, given your revelations. Post the information/data.
Continue to collect various stakeholders with regards to your topic. Post the information/data.
Get more specific with your topic. What aspect of your topic do you wish to explore? Brainstorm or mindmap to figure this out. If you are unsure about possibilities, do some research to idenitfy them. Document your process with images, links, and reflections.
- Identify the WWWWWH (slides) (If you don't know these, do your research on them! Include those are research sources.)
- Gather your assumptions (slides)
- 5 Whys (slides) to demonstrate your understing of the probelm. (If you don't know these, work to understand them. Use your research to help you get there.)
Identify 2-3 traditional resources (visit the library), that help you to understand the scope and different aspects of this issue. Post about each with a short reflectio of their value towards your interests in your project.
Begin creating a timeline which outlines the events leading up to, contributing to, and/or deepening this situation. (due in a couple weeks). This timeline will have iterations over the next few week.
Begin creating a moodboard to visually describe the different levels and scope of this issue. (due in a couple weeks). This moodboard will have iterations over the next few weeks. (NO PINTEREST)