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This repo will help customers deploy AI Toolkit on OpenShift platform


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This operator provides Deployment Server for various models available on IBM Z

Operator Based on

IBM Z Nvidia triton Repo


  • IBM Cloud Account
  • Openshift Cluster on IBM Z
  • Openshift Client CLI


Step 1: Setup ICR Auth credientials in openshift-config

  • Define Enviroment

    (base) shivanggoswami@Shivangs-MacBook-Pro operator-setup % cat 
    export REGISTRY_URL="" #The Registry URL. Default:
    export EMAIL="[email protected]" #IBM Cloud Userid. Format: [email protected]
    export API_KEY="api-key" #IBM Cloud API key

    Modify the Following file and load the environment variables in the system

    After this, First login into your openshift cluster and execute this script

    (base) shivanggoswami@Shivangs-MacBook-Pro operator-setup % source # this is derived from env-templates 
    (base) shivanggoswami@Shivangs-MacBook-Pro operator-setup % ./ 
    secret/icr-registry created
    secret "icr-registry" deleted
    secret/pull-secret data updated

    The following command can be used to assert the script worked properly

    (base) shivanggoswami@Shivangs-MacBook-Pro operator-setup % oc get secret pull-secret -n openshift-config -o jsonpath='{.data.\.dockerconfigjson}' | base64 -d
     "": {
        "username": "iamapikey",
        "password": <ibm-api-key>,
        "email": <ibm-user-id>,
        "auth": <username/password in base64 encoding>

Step 2: Apply Catalog Source

  • Apply Catalog Source

    (base) shivanggoswami@Shivangs-MacBook-Pro operator-setup % oc apply -f catalog-source.yaml created

    If everything goes through fine, operator will be available in operator hub and can be installed from there add5d509-cd70-41a6-aad5-f2b77774dab8

Using this Operator

Step 1A: Creating pvc and injecting Model data inside them (Required)

As an example, there is a model directory present in the repo with two pre-populated data modules: credit card fraud detection(Snapml) and densenet(onnx)

(base) shivanggoswami@Shivangs-MacBook-Pro operator-examples % tree models         
β”œβ”€β”€ cc_fraud_detect_model
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ 1
β”‚   β”‚   └── model.pmml
β”‚   └── config.pbtxt
└── densenet_onnx
    β”œβ”€β”€ 1
    β”‚   └──
    └── config.pbtxt

5 directories, 4 files

This Directory structure and model formats can be referred from the parent repo.

First create a openshift namespace, then populate data values in this script

(base) shivanggoswami@Shivangs-MacBook-Pro operator-examples % cat 
# Set your variables
LOCAL_DIR="./models"    # Local directory to copy data from
NAMESPACE="test"        # Kubernetes namespace
PVC_NAME="triton-pvc"   # PVC name
POD_NAME="alpine-pvc-pod" # Pod name
MOUNT_PATH="/mnt/data"  # PVC mount path inside the pod
CONTAINER_NAME="alpine" # Container name
PVC_STORAGE="10Gi"      # PVC storage size
ALPINE_IMAGE="alpinelinux/rsyncd" # Alpine image to use for the pod
CLEAN=true             # Set to true to clean (delete) existing PVC and Pod before execution

The following script use oc rsync command so local directory can sync delta changes with pvc if the pvc already exists

Variable Name Sample Value Explanation
LOCAL_DIR ./models Local directory path containing the data to copy.
NAMESPACE test The Kubernetes namespace to operate in.
PVC_NAME triton-pvc Name of the Persistent Volume Claim to create or use.
POD_NAME alpine-pvc-pod Name of the pod to be created or managed.
MOUNT_PATH /mnt/data Path where the PVC will be mounted inside the pod.
CONTAINER_NAME alpine Name of the container within the pod.
PVC_STORAGE 10Gi Storage size requested for the PVC.
ALPINE_IMAGE alpinelinux/rsyncd Docker image to use for the pod's container.
CLEAN true Indicates whether to delete existing PVC and pod before execution.

NOTE: alpinelinux/rsyncd images are also available at

Attaching sample Output for Reference:

Click to expand: Shell Output
[root@t313lp68 operator-examples]# ./ 
Creating PVC triton-pvc...
persistentvolumeclaim/triton-pvc created
PVC is already bound, no need to wait.
Creating pod alpine-pvc-pod with Alpine image and PVC mount...
Warning: would violate PodSecurity "restricted:v1.24": allowPrivilegeEscalation != false (container "alpine" must set securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation=false), unrestricted capabilities (container "alpine" must set securityContext.capabilities.drop=["ALL"]), runAsNonRoot != true (pod or container "alpine" must set securityContext.runAsNonRoot=true), seccompProfile (pod or container "alpine" must set securityContext.seccompProfile.type to "RuntimeDefault" or "Localhost")
pod/alpine-pvc-pod created
Waiting for pod alpine-pvc-pod to start...
Waiting for pod alpine-pvc-pod to be ready...
pod/alpine-pvc-pod condition met
Copying data from ./models to /mnt/data inside pod alpine-pvc-pod...
sending incremental file list
            459 100%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=5/9)
      2,375,804 100%   75.52MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=3/9)
            246 100%    8.01kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=2/9)
     33,201,936 100%   19.65MB/s    0:00:01 (xfr#4, to-chk=0/9)

sent 30,371,036 bytes  received 127 bytes  20,247,442.00 bytes/sec
total size is 35,578,445  speedup is 1.17
Data successfully copied to PVC.
Script execution completed in 6 seconds.

Step 1B: Configuring TLS Certificates for GRPC Server (Optional for gRPC Server usage)

gRPC Works on HTTP/2 Protocol. Same needs to be enabled in Openshift ingress controller.


oc -n openshift-ingress-operator annotate ingresscontrollers/<ingresscontroller_name>

To enable HTTP/2 on the entire cluster, use the following command.

oc annotate ingresses.config/cluster

Create a TLS secret consisting of TLS certificate and TLS private key using the following command.This Configuration will be passed onto the gRPC Server.


# Create TLS certificate using the openssl command. Fill the details requested.
openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout <path_to_store_tls_key> -x509 -days 365 -out <path_to_store_tls_cert>


mkdir tls
openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout tls/tls.key -x509 -days 365 -out tls/tls.crt

Inject these configuration in Openshift secret:

oc create secret tls grpc-tls-secret --cert=tls/tls.crt --key=tls/tls.key

This information needs to populated in the CRD yaml file

Step 2: Creating the Custom CRDs

Assuming that operator was installed successfully and the custom crds can be applied now

Triton Server Interface CRD

TritonInterfaceServerSpec Variables

Variable Name Sample Value Explanation
pvcName "triton-pvc" Name of the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) to be used.
mountPath "/mnt/data" Path where the PVC will be mounted in the container.
servingImage "" The Docker image used for the Triton inference server.
servers [{"type": "HTTP", "enabled": true, "containerPort": 8000}] List of server configurations including type, whether enabled, and container port.
podResources {"limits": {"cpu": "2", "memory": "2Gi"}, "requests": {"cpu": "1", "memory": "1Gi"}} Resource requests and limits for the pod (CPU and memory).
grpcConfig {"tlsSpec":{"tlsSecretName":"grpc-tls-secret"}} Configuration settings for gRPC.
replicas 1 Number of replicas for the deployment. Minimum value is 0.
routeConfig {"routeAnnotation":{"annotations":{"":"roundrobin","":"true"},"applyTo":"All"}} Configuration for custom routes and annotations.

Server Variables

Variable Name Sample Value Explanation
type "HTTP" The type of server. Valid values are HTTP, GRPC, or Metrics.
enabled true Whether the server type is enabled.
containerPort 8000 Port exposed by the container. Must be between 0 and 65535.

Resource and PodResource Variables

Variable Name Sample Value Explanation
limits.cpu "2" Maximum number of CPU cores allocated to the pod.
limits.memory "2Gi" Maximum memory allocated to the pod.
requests.cpu "1" Minimum guaranteed number of CPU cores allocated to the pod.
requests.memory "1Gi" Minimum guaranteed memory allocated to the pod.

TlsSpec Variables

Variable Name Sample Value Explanation
tlsSecretName "grpc-tls-secret" The OpenShift Secret Name where TLS configurations are stored.

πŸ“Œ RouteConfig Specification

Field Type Description Validation
routeAnnotation RouteAnnotationConfig Configuration for route annotations. Optional

πŸ“Œ RouteAnnotationConfig Specification

Field Type Description Validation
annotations map[string]string Key-value pairs for route annotations. Required, MinProperties=1 (must have at least one key-value pair).
applyTo string Specifies where the annotation applies. Required, must be one of: "All", "HTTP", "GRPC", "Metrics".

Note: πŸ“Œ denotes new feature introduced

There is a sample crd within the repo as well

(base) shivanggoswami@Shivangs-MacBook-Pro samples % pwd
(base) shivanggoswami@Shivangs-MacBook-Pro samples % cat ai-toolkit_v1alpha1_tritoninterfaceserver.yaml 
kind: TritonInterfaceServer
  labels: openshift-ai-toolkit kustomize
  name: tritoninterfaceserver-sample
  pvcName: triton-pvc
  mountPath: "/mount"
    - type: HTTP
      enabled: true
    - type: Metrics
      enabled: true
    - type: GRPC
      enabled: true
      tlsSecretName: grpc-tls-secret
      cpu: 1000m
      memory: 2Gi
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 200Mi
      applyTo: All
      annotations: roundrobin "true"

Once the CRD is applied to a particular namespace, deployments, services and routes will be created for the same.

Using the Endpoints

In a test cluster, the following resources were created in the order

  • Injected ICR config to global secret using the script mentioned above
  • Created namespace "triton-ns"
  • Used Sample models provided with the documentation and create pvc using the script within the same namespace
  • installed the operator
  • Applied the sample crd (via UI or server-side in cli) within the same namespace
  • Check the resources created within the namespace
[root@t313lp68 operator-examples]# oc get all -n triton-ns
Warning: DeploymentConfig is deprecated in v4.14+, unavailable in v4.10000+
NAME                                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
pod/alpine-pvc-pod                                             1/1     Running   4 (37m ago)   4h37m
pod/openshift-ai-toolkit-controller-manager-5f59859f7b-dbpnv   1/1     Running   0             30m
pod/triton-server-658db168-triton-pvc-6bdb495998-26bqd         1/1     Running   0             113s

NAME                                                              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/grpc-service-triton-server-658db168-triton-pvc            ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP     113s
service/http-service-triton-server-658db168-triton-pvc            ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP     113s
service/metrics-service-triton-server-658db168-triton-pvc         ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP     113s
service/openshift-ai-toolkit-controller-manager-metrics-service   ClusterIP   <none>        8443/TCP   30m

NAME                                                      READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/openshift-ai-toolkit-controller-manager   1/1     1            1           30m
deployment.apps/triton-server-658db168-triton-pvc         1/1     1            1           114s

NAME                                                                 DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/openshift-ai-toolkit-controller-manager-5f59859f7b   1         1         1       30m
replicaset.apps/triton-server-658db168-triton-pvc-6bdb495998         1         1         1       114s

NAME                                                                       HOST/PORT                                                                               PATH   SERVICES                                            PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD      grpc-route-triton-server-658db168-triton-pvc-ai-toolkit.apps.a314lp45ocp.lnxne.boe             grpc-service-triton-server-658db168-triton-pvc      8001   passthrough   None      http-route-triton-server-658db168-triton-pvc-ai-toolkit.apps.a314lp45ocp.lnxne.boe             http-service-triton-server-658db168-triton-pvc      8000                 None   metrics-route-triton-server-658db168-triton-pvc-ai-toolkit.apps.a314lp45ocp.lnxne.boe          metrics-service-triton-server-658db168-triton-pvc   8002                 None

Via this example we have created two route one for http server and one for metrics server

Sample Http Request

Click to expand the shell command
[root@t313lp68 operator-examples]# curl -X POST http://http-route-triton-server-624c8ff1-triton-pvc-triton-ns.apps.t313lp68ocp.lnxne.boe/v2/repository/index | jq
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   119  100   119    0     0  39666      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 59500
    "name": "cc_fraud_detect_model",
    "version": "1",
    "state": "READY"
    "name": "densenet_onnx",
    "version": "1",
    "state": "READY"

Sample Metrics Request

Click to expand the shell command
[root@t313lp68 operator-examples]# curl metrics-route-triton-server-624c8ff1-triton-pvc-triton-ns.apps.t313lp68ocp.lnxne.boe/metrics
# HELP nv_inference_request_success Number of successful inference requests, all batch sizes
# TYPE nv_inference_request_success counter
nv_inference_request_success{model="densenet_onnx",version="1"} 0
nv_inference_request_success{model="cc_fraud_detect_model",version="1"} 0
# HELP nv_inference_request_failure Number of failed inference requests, all batch sizes
# TYPE nv_inference_request_failure counter
nv_inference_request_failure{model="densenet_onnx",reason="OTHER",version="1"} 0
nv_inference_request_failure{model="densenet_onnx",reason="BACKEND",version="1"} 0
nv_inference_request_failure{model="densenet_onnx",reason="CANCELED",version="1"} 0
nv_inference_request_failure{model="cc_fraud_detect_model",reason="OTHER",version="1"} 0
nv_inference_request_failure{model="cc_fraud_detect_model",reason="BACKEND",version="1"} 0
nv_inference_request_failure{model="cc_fraud_detect_model",reason="CANCELED",version="1"} 0
nv_inference_request_failure{model="densenet_onnx",reason="REJECTED",version="1"} 0
nv_inference_request_failure{model="cc_fraud_detect_model",reason="REJECTED",version="1"} 0
# HELP nv_inference_count Number of inferences performed (does not include cached requests)
# TYPE nv_inference_count counter
nv_inference_count{model="densenet_onnx",version="1"} 0
nv_inference_count{model="cc_fraud_detect_model",version="1"} 0
# HELP nv_inference_exec_count Number of model executions performed (does not include cached requests)
# TYPE nv_inference_exec_count counter
nv_inference_exec_count{model="densenet_onnx",version="1"} 0
nv_inference_exec_count{model="cc_fraud_detect_model",version="1"} 0
# HELP nv_inference_request_duration_us Cumulative inference request duration in microseconds (includes cached requests)
# TYPE nv_inference_request_duration_us counter
nv_inference_request_duration_us{model="densenet_onnx",version="1"} 0
nv_inference_request_duration_us{model="cc_fraud_detect_model",version="1"} 0
# HELP nv_inference_queue_duration_us Cumulative inference queuing duration in microseconds (includes cached requests)
# TYPE nv_inference_queue_duration_us counter
nv_inference_queue_duration_us{model="densenet_onnx",version="1"} 0
nv_inference_queue_duration_us{model="cc_fraud_detect_model",version="1"} 0
# HELP nv_inference_compute_input_duration_us Cumulative compute input duration in microseconds (does not include cached requests)
# TYPE nv_inference_compute_input_duration_us counter
nv_inference_compute_input_duration_us{model="densenet_onnx",version="1"} 0
nv_inference_compute_input_duration_us{model="cc_fraud_detect_model",version="1"} 0
# HELP nv_inference_compute_infer_duration_us Cumulative compute inference duration in microseconds (does not include cached requests)
# TYPE nv_inference_compute_infer_duration_us counter
nv_inference_compute_infer_duration_us{model="densenet_onnx",version="1"} 0
nv_inference_compute_infer_duration_us{model="cc_fraud_detect_model",version="1"} 0
# HELP nv_inference_compute_output_duration_us Cumulative inference compute output duration in microseconds (does not include cached requests)
# TYPE nv_inference_compute_output_duration_us counter
nv_inference_compute_output_duration_us{model="densenet_onnx",version="1"} 0
nv_inference_compute_output_duration_us{model="cc_fraud_detect_model",version="1"} 0
# HELP nv_inference_pending_request_count Instantaneous number of pending requests awaiting execution per-model.
# TYPE nv_inference_pending_request_count gauge
nv_inference_pending_request_count{model="densenet_onnx",version="1"} 0
nv_inference_pending_request_count{model="cc_fraud_detect_model",version="1"} 0
# HELP nv_pinned_memory_pool_total_bytes Pinned memory pool total memory size, in bytes
# TYPE nv_pinned_memory_pool_total_bytes gauge
nv_pinned_memory_pool_total_bytes 268435456
# HELP nv_pinned_memory_pool_used_bytes Pinned memory pool used memory size, in bytes
# TYPE nv_pinned_memory_pool_used_bytes gauge
nv_pinned_memory_pool_used_bytes 0
# HELP nv_cpu_utilization CPU utilization rate [0.0 - 1.0]
# TYPE nv_cpu_utilization gauge
nv_cpu_utilization 0.02255639097744361
# HELP nv_cpu_memory_total_bytes CPU total memory (RAM), in bytes
# TYPE nv_cpu_memory_total_bytes gauge
nv_cpu_memory_total_bytes 16861294592
# HELP nv_cpu_memory_used_bytes CPU used memory (RAM), in bytes
# TYPE nv_cpu_memory_used_bytes gauge
nv_cpu_memory_used_bytes 4000546816

Sample gRPC Health Check

Click to expand the shell command

This is a simple gRPC health Check achieved through port-forward of openshift pod
For this code snippet to work, please remove grpcConfig.tlsSpec.tlsSecretName from the Crd configuration
Note:This configuration are for liveness checkness only.Please don't use it in production

[root@a3elp45 OpenShift-AI-Toolkit-Operator]# oc get pod | grep triton
triton-server-fa7c1cee-triton-pvc-5f75fb5679-kx4nn         1/1     Running   0             5s

Copy the pod name and use it in the next command

oc port-forward pod/<pod-name-from-command-above> 8001:8001 #Execute in a new shell

Run the health check script

(base) shivanggoswami@Shivangs-MacBook-Pro operator-examples % python
Triton server is live.


This repo will help customers deploy AI Toolkit on OpenShift platform







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