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extend fission avg mapping to consider spectrum uncertainties
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gschnabel committed Oct 20, 2022
1 parent 9256fdd commit 493e21d
Showing 1 changed file with 50 additions and 14 deletions.
64 changes: 50 additions & 14 deletions gmapi/mappings/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from .basic_integral_maps import (basic_integral_propagate,
basic_integral_of_product_propagate, get_basic_integral_of_product_sensmats)
from .helperfuns import return_matrix
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,7 +169,7 @@ def __modern_compute(self, datatable, refvals, what):

priormask = (datatable['REAC'].str.match('MT:1-R1:', na=False) &
datatable['NODE'].str.match('xsid_', na=False))
priormask = np.logical_or(priormask, datatable['NODE'].str.fullmatch('fis_modern', na=False))
priormask = np.logical_or(priormask, datatable['NODE'].str.fullmatch('fis_modern|fis_errors', na=False))
priortable = datatable[priormask]

expmask = self.is_responsible(datatable)
Expand All @@ -185,23 +186,30 @@ def __modern_compute(self, datatable, refvals, what):
if not np.isclose(normfact, 1., rtol=1e-4):
raise ValueError('fission spectrum not normalized')

priortable_fiserror = priortable[priortable['NODE'].str.fullmatch(
'fis_errors', na=False)]
ensfis_error = priortable_fiserror['ENERGY'].to_numpy()
S = self.__make_covmapping(ensfis, ensfis_error, valsfis)

for curexp in expids:
exptable_red = exptable[exptable['NODE'].str.fullmatch(curexp, na=False)]
if len(exptable_red) != 1:
raise IndexError('None or more than one rows associated with a ' +
'fission average, which must not happen!')
curreac = exptable_red['REAC'].values[0]
preac = curreac.replace('MT:6-', 'MT:1-')
priortable_red = priortable[priortable['REAC'].str.fullmatch(preac, na=False)]
priortable_reac = priortable[priortable['REAC'].str.fullmatch(preac, na=False)]
# abbreviate some variables
ens1 = priortable_red['ENERGY'].to_numpy()
vals1 = refvals[priortable_red.index]
idcs1red = priortable_red.index
ens1 = priortable_reac['ENERGY'].to_numpy()
vals1_a = refvals[priortable_reac.index]
vals1_b = S @ refvals[priortable_fiserror.index]
idcs1red_a = priortable_reac.index
idcs1red_b = priortable_fiserror.index
idcs2red = exptable_red.index
if what == 'propagate':

curval = basic_integral_of_product_propagate(
[ens1, ensfis], [vals1, valsfis],
[ens1, ensfis], [vals1_a, valsfis+vals1_b],
['lin-lin', 'lin-lin'], zero_outside=True,
maxord=16, rtol=1e-6)
curval = float(curval) * normfact
Expand All @@ -211,17 +219,23 @@ def __modern_compute(self, datatable, refvals, what):

elif what == 'jacobian':
sensvecs = get_basic_integral_of_product_sensmats(
[ens1, ensfis], [vals1, valsfis],
[ens1, ensfis], [vals1_a, valsfis+vals1_b],
['lin-lin', 'lin-lin'], zero_outside=True,
maxord=16, rtol=1e-6)
# because we assume that the fission spectrum is constant
# we can ignore the sensitivity to it
sensvec = np.ravel(sensvecs[0])
sensvec *= normfact

idcs1 = concat([idcs1, idcs1red])
idcs2 = concat([idcs2, np.full(len(idcs1red), idcs2red, dtype=int)])
coeff = concat([coeff, sensvec])
sensvec_a = np.ravel(sensvecs[0])
sensvec_a *= normfact

tmp = np.ravel(sensvecs[1])
tmp *= normfact
sensvec_b = np.ravel(tmp.reshape(1,-1) @ S)

# forward propagation

idcs1 = concat([idcs1, idcs1red_a, idcs1red_b])
idcs2 = concat([idcs2, np.full(len(idcs1red_a)+len(idcs1red_b),
idcs2red, dtype=int)])
coeff = concat([coeff, sensvec_a, sensvec_b])

raise ValueError('what must be either "propagate" or "jacobian"')
Expand All @@ -236,3 +250,25 @@ def __modern_compute(self, datatable, refvals, what):
retdic['propvals'] = propvals

return retdic

def __make_covmapping(self, ens, cov_ens, scl=None):
if not np.all(np.sort(cov_ens) == cov_ens):
raise ValueError('cov_ens must be sorted')
if scl is None:
scl = np.full(len(ens), 1.)
en_idcs = np.searchsorted(cov_ens, ens)
assert en_idcs[0] == 0
en_idcs[0] = 1
en_idcs -= 1
i_list = []
j_list = []
v_list = []
n = len(ens)
m = len(cov_ens)
for i in range(n):
S = csr_matrix((v_list, (i_list, j_list)), shape=(n, m), dtype='d')
return S

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