This repository contains a Dockerfile that extends the CouchDB Docker Image with scripts to populate a CouchDB database with the data from the EXFOR library. CouchDB is a NoSQL document-oriented database with documents being JSON objects. The EXFOR to JSON format conversion is achieved by the exfor-parserpy package.
As this repository is still under development, the structure of the JSON documents may change in the future. The script to ingest EXFOR content into the database retrieves the EXFOR master files from this repository. If you are looking for a graphical interface to the EXFOR library, you can use the EXFOR web retrieval system.
If you have used this repository in a previous state, please note that
due to a switch from the R exforParser package to the
Python exfor-parserpy package, the structure of the
JSON documents differs in some aspects. Most noteworthy,
the field name TABLE
of the DATA
section got renamed to DATA
and the
information of the first subentries was not merged into subsequent ones.
To install the extended CouchDB Docker image, perform the following steps:
- If not already done, install the Docker application. The Community edition is free of charge. Installation instructions for Windows, Mac and Linux can be found here.
- Download and unzip the content of this GitHub repository to a local folder.
- Open a terminal and change into this directory.
Execute the command:
docker build -t exfor-couchdb .
You may need elevated privileges, e.g.sudo
, to run this and all following commands involving thedocker
Now you can start up a container running the CouchDB server by executing
docker run -d \
--name exfor-couchdb-container \
-p 5984:5984 --rm \
--mount source=exfor-data,target=/opt/couchdb/data \
-e COUCHDB_USER=admin -e COUCHDB_PASSWORD=password exfor-couchdb
This instruction will also create a Docker volume named exfor-data
to ensure that the data written in the next step will persist
even after stopping and removing the container.
The CouchDB server will be available on port 5984
on the host.
Finally, to create a database with the EXFOR library on the CouchDB server, run
docker exec exfor-couchdb-container /usr/local/bin/
This instruction will take tens of minutes to complete as it will
download the EXFOR master files available here,
convert them using the exfor-parserpy package to the JSON format and
store them in the database. By default, the name of the database will
be exfor
. You may append additional arguments to the
docker exec
command, which are documented in the header of the
Once the docker exec
command has finished, you may stop and remove the
Docker container by
docker stop exfor-couchdb-container
From now on, if you want to use the EXFOR CouchDB database,
execute the docker run
instruction above. Importantly,
for accessing the database, such as exemplified in the next
section, the container needs to be up and running, which can
be checked by docker ps
There are several possibilities to access the EXFOR CouchDB database
from Python. In principle, the requests
module can do the job.
For more convenience, you may consider using dedicated packages,
such as the couchdb
or cloudant
package. The following example
makes use of the cloudant
from cloudant.client import CouchDB
client = CouchDB('admin', 'password', url='http://localhost:5984', connect=True)
exfor = client['exfor']
subent = exfor['10502002']
# columns names of the data table
# a dictionary that stores the units
# associated with the columns
# retrieving the column with measured data
# and the associated labels, such as the angle here
# the information about the author is stored in the
# first subentry (first five digits denote entry id
# and last three subentry id
first_subent = exfor['10502001']
# find subentries based on specific criteria
# e.g., REACTION cross section should match a specific regular expression
# and EN and DATA column should exist
selector = {
'$regex': r'\(26-FE-56\(N,[^)]+\)[^,]*,,SIG\)'
'DATA.DATA.DATA': {'$exists': True},
'DATA.DATA.EN': {'$exists': True}
docs = exfor.get_query_result(selector)
# retrieve information of specific EXFOR subentry
specific_doc = docs[0][0]
# cycle through results
for curdoc in docs:
For the following examples, we assume that the command line tools jq
and curl
are available.
# retrieve EXFOR subentry 11464003
curl -X GET http://admin:password@localhost:5984/exfor/11464003 > result.json
# extract specific fields
jq -r '.DATA.DATA.EN[]' result.json
jq -r '.DATA.DATA.DATA[]' result.json
jq -r '.DATA.UNIT' result.json
# to obtain the associated author, we need to access the
# first subentry (the first five digits are the entry id and
# the last three the subentry id.
curl -X GET http://admin:password@localhost:5984/exfor/11464001 > result.json
jq -r '.BIB.AUTHOR' result.json
# find EXFOR subentries with participation of FERGUSON
curl -s -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"selector": {"BIB": {"AUTHOR": { "$regex": "FERGUSON"}}}, "limit": 4 }' \
http://admin:password@localhost:5984/exfor/_find > result.json
# extract only particular fields, e.g., AUTHOR, DETECTOR and FACILITY column:
curl -s -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"selector": {"BIB": {"AUTHOR": { "$regex": "FERGUSON"}}},
"limit": 4,
}' \
http://admin:password@localhost:5984/exfor/_find | jq .
Access to the CouchDB database is possible with the sofa
# connect to database
z <- Cushion$new(
host = "localhost",
transport = 'http',
port = 5984,
user = 'admin',
pwd = 'password'
# retrieve document with specific EXFOR ID
docs <- db_query(z, dbname = "exfor", selector = list(`_id` = '10022010'))$docs
# retrieve specific fields
# or docs[[1]]$BIB$REACTION
# search documents matching specific criteria
docs <- db_query(z, dbname = "exfor", selector = list(
'DATA.DATA.EN' = list('$exists' = TRUE),
'DATA.DATA.DATA' = list('$exists' = TRUE)), limit=30)$docs
# cycle through results
for (curdoc in docs) {
The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.