PREPRO 2023-1
PREPRO 2021-2
EVALPLOT was updated to correct a problem when viewing angular or energy distributions.
PREPRO 2021-1
The ENDF/B preprocessing codes (PREPRO) are a collection of 18 module codes, which are designed to convert ENDF/B formatted evaluated data from the originally distributed ENDF-6 format to formats in which the data can be used in application codes.
Features of the codes:
- ENDF-6 formatted data include pointwise, groupwise cross-sections, emitted particles angular distribution and spectra, particle and activation yields, multi-band parameters.
- Data can be plotted on-screen or plots can be saved as PostScript files to disk.
- The codes run on Linux, MacOS and Windows.
- PREPRO 2021 is ENDF/B-tested and completely Fortran, C and C++ compatible.
PREPRO 2019-1
The ENDF/B preprocessing codes (PREPRO) are a collection of 18 computer codes, which are designed to convert ENDF/B formatted neutron and/or photon data from the originally distributed form to a form in which the data can be used in applications.
Features of the codes:
- Data can be plotted on-screen or plots can be saved as PostScript files to disk.
- The codes run on Windows, Linux and MacOS.
- PREPRO 2019 is ENDF/B-VIII.0-tested and completely Fortran, C and C++ compatible.