Containerized version of EF5 for research applications.
This container includes a stand-alone EF5 built in Ubuntu.
Go to the location of the EF5-Container folder. For example:
cd ~/Documents/EF5-Container/
Within the EF5-Container folder, run the following command:
docker build -t ef5image Docker/
You should see a lot going on your screen. The process should take about 3 minutes. When finished, you should see the following text as the last line:
Successfully built 7c1310438e65
The "7c1310438e65" is the IMAGE ID automatically assigned to your EF5 image. It will be different for your own built. You can check your image with the following docker command:
docker images
You should at least see a list like the following:
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ef5image latest 7c1310438e65 6 minutes ago 514.4 MB ubuntu latest 4ca3a192ff2a 22 hours ago 128.2 MB
docker run --env PATH=$PATH:/EF5/bin -d -ti --entrypoint=/bin/bash --name=EF5 ef5image
docker exec EF5 ef5