Demo any theme installed in Winter CMS by visiting a defined URL.
Let assume you're in the root of your wintercms installation
Just run this command
composer require hounddd/wn-themswitcher-plugin
Clone this repo into your winter plugins folder.
cd plugins
mkdir hounddd && cd hounddd
git clone themeswitcher
Note: In both cases, run
php artisan winter:up
command to run plugin's migrations or logout and login backend.
Visit the followinf urls
- To demo a theme :
, wheretheme-name
is one of your website themes. - To restore default theme :
By default, switching theme is limited to authenticated administrators.
To authorise all visitors to switch to another theme, create a config file /config/hounddd/themeswitcher.php
and set onlyBackendUsers
to false:
return [
'onlyBackendUsers' => false,
For more help see Winter documentation related to file-based configuration.
Inspired by Flynsarmy.ThemeSelecter
Make awesome sites with ❄ WinterCMS!