Packages used for Low-level control of electronics used for a variety of robotic applications, as well as algorithms for data fusion and controls. Currently, Rapsberry Pi 3 is the platform used to interface with everything.
Version 1.0.0
Language: C++
- pigpiod
- Boost
- Armadillo
- OpenCV
- Sensors
- CameraStreamer
- Utilities
- Communications
- Serial
- Sensors
- Encoder
- CameraStreamer
- Devices
- RazorIMU
- RoboClaw
- Filters
- Controls
- Profiles
- 4WD
- Actuators
- DC Motor
- Servo
- Communications
- Serial
- Sensors
- Encoder
- IMU (MPU-9250)
- CameraStreamer
- Devices
- RazorIMU
- RoboClaw
- Filters
- Controls
- Profiles
- 4WD
- Devices
- MappyDot (LiDAR)
- PWM Driver Board (PCA-9685)
- Controls
- LiDAR-based Row following
- GPS waypoint-follower (pure pursuit)
- Filters
- RANSAC Line Smoother
Currently the drivers are built specifically to target the Raspberry Pi 3
To Be Continued...
To Be Continued...
To Be Continued...
To Be Continued...
There are currently no testing procedures or programs defined or developed for this project.
- combine SerialDev class with the functionality of the pigpiod serial functions used in RoboClaw class
- convert DC_motor class to modular class setup using class inheritance (model code structure similar to Motors class)
Hunter Young ([email protected])