AIME - https://app.aime.bot [2023]
- Frontend developer
- Develop website front-end (React) based on UX/UI design draft.
- AI-Powered ME for my Web3 Social Network.
VolaARK - https://volaark.io [2023]
- Full-stack developer
- Develop website front-end (React) based on UX/UI design draft.
Ethscriptions Exchange [2023]
- Frontend developer
- Develop website front-end (React) based on UX/UI design draft.
- A decentralized exchange based on the Ethscriptions Protocol.
Nepbot - https://nepbot.org [2023]
- Frontend developer
- Develop website front-end (React) based on UX/UI design draft.
- A Discord bot that provides a variety of services.
COVID-19.ICU - https://covid-19.icu [2020]
- Co-founder, Frontend developer
- Develop website front-end (Vue) based on UX/UI design draft.
- One of the first organizations to support when the new coronavirus broke out in Wuhan.
Parami Foundation - https://app.parami.io [2021 - 2022]
- Frontend developer
- Design and develop Parami AD3 wallet (React+Polkadot.js), including wallet token management, NFT management and creation, Swap, Stack, personal homepage, and account security settings.
- A blockchain project that focuses on the development of the AD3. (Polkadot and Substrate)
MetaAstro - https://metaastro.org [2022]
- Frontend developer & Designer
- Design and produce NFT (Svg Animation); Design and produce official website for the project (Ether.js, Web3.js)
- An NFT project based on astrology and tarot
BonusCloud - https://bonuscloud.io [2019]
- Client developer
- Develop PCDN client program based on Linux (embedded and server) (Golang+Lua)
- The first universally-carried fog computing platform.
OpenWRT - https://openwrt.org [2018]
- Developer
- Open source driver development for embedded devices, proxy software based on Socks5
- A Linux distribution for embedded devices.
Sony Interactive Entertainment - https://www.sie.com [2017 - 2019]
- Developer
- Participated in Chinese localization
- A Japanese video game company.
ACGN LIMITED - https://acgn.ch [2022 - NOW]
- Co-founder, CEO
- Founder of the company, responsible for business negotiations and signing contracts for the introduction of movies, anime, and games to mainland China. Propaganda operation planning and poster supervision in mainland China.
- A pan-entertainment supply organization, focusing on the development of AI, Animation, Games, and Web3.
- Participated in and imported Anime films such as "Your Name.", "The Shape of Voice", "Sword Art Online", "Weathering With You", "Mary and The Witch's Flower", "I Want to Eat Your Pancreas", etc.
- Xbox Gold Developer, involved in and led localization of Xbox and PlayStation games, as well as developing the Web3 Game SDK.
JoyMoe Corp. - https://joy.moe [2016 - 2022]
- Co-founder, EVP
- Game producer, serving as a Chinese translator and embellishment, art artist (copying and remake)
- A company that focuses on developing and operating games.
- Founded in 2016, introduced and produced the game "Tlicolity Eyes".
Eiga.Moe Film Company - https://space.bilibili.com/29937575 [2019 - NOW]
- Founder
- Participated in and imported Anime films such as "Your Name.", "The Shape of Voice", "Sword Art Online", "Weathering With You", "Mary and The Witch's Flower", "I Want to Eat Your Pancreas", etc.
- Responsible for the introduction of anime films under ACGN LIMITED
React - https://reactjs.org
Vue.js - https://vuejs.org
Go - https://golang.org
Rust - https://www.rust-lang.org
Dart - https://dart.dev
C - https://www.cprogramming.com
Solidity - https://soliditylang.org
Lua - https://www.lua.org
Qt - https://www.qt.io
Node.js - https://nodejs.org
Docker - https://www.docker.com
GraphQL - https://graphql.org
MySQL - https://www.mysql.com
PostgreSQL - https://www.postgresql.org
MongoDB - https://www.mongodb.com
Microsoft SQL Server - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sql-server
Redis - https://redis.io
Flutter - https://flutter.dev
Unity - https://unity.com
Unreal Engine - https://www.unrealengine.com
Adobe Photoshop - https://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop.html
Adobe Illustrator - https://www.adobe.com/products/illustrator.html
Adobe Premiere Pro - https://www.adobe.com/products/premiere.html
Adobe After Effects - https://www.adobe.com/products/aftereffects.html
Sketch - https://www.sketch.com
Swift - https://swift.org