Karkaushal is an e-commerce website for the people who sells handicraft product built with microservices architecture, developing on docker-desktop and Deployed on the Google Cloud Platform (Google Kuberenetes Engine) environment, integrated some CI/CD process with GitHub Action workflow.
- Clone master branch on your computer
- Install node.js, skaffold, docker
- enable Kubernetes in docker desktop preferences
- sign up for a free account with $300 on the GCP and sign up for the docker hub account
- create an image by running a command in every folder that has a Dockerfile
push all images to the docker hub by running a command in every folder that has a Dockerfile
install ingress-nginx and enable Kubernetes in Docker Desktop software
(Windows) open host file at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts then edit by adding karkaushal.dev and save as an admin
create all kubernetes secrets
skaffold dev
in this project root directory, and make sure to use the correct context before running the command -
open a web browser and enter your custom URL with https:// to see this project come to live!
kubectl create secret generic jwt-secret --from-literal=JWT_KEY=<YOUR SECRET>
kubectl create secret generic jwt-secret --from-literal=JWT_KEY=<YOUR SECRET>
- Fully operated microservices-architecture website with user, product, order, payment, and expiration services completely separated
- Stored all user, product, order, and payment data in separate MongoDB collections
- Account setting dashboard for a customer to update profile information or see all orders
- Seller management dashboard with authority to add, edit, and delete a product
- Full-featured shopping cart (add, edit, and remove an item with ease!)
- Fully checkout process (login, add a shipping address, select payment method)
- Mark orders as a delivered option for the seller
- Make a product review and rating and calculate a new rating instantly
- Implement an Optimistic concurrency control concept with Mongoose to handle concurrency issues with event flow
- Browse to the signup page
- Enter necessory details . (can be fictional as this is just a demo)
Pay with Stripe method (recommended)
- Using 4242 4242 4242 4242 for a card number
- Using any date (must be a later date from now) for MM/YY
- Using any number for CVC
- Signup as a seller
- Go to product page
- Create new product
- Update product details