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Converted export to full JSON and added streaming-to-file. Rather inc…
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…onveniently, when you run it, it just kinda hangs. That's an oop.
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Hermanoid committed Jan 10, 2024
1 parent 3d8b8ee commit 1893671
Showing 1 changed file with 99 additions and 75 deletions.
174 changes: 99 additions & 75 deletions src/main/java/com/hermanoid/nerd/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,26 +1,28 @@
package com.hermanoid.nerd;

import codechicken.nei.ItemPanels;
import codechicken.nei.ItemList;
import codechicken.nei.NEIClientConfig;
import codechicken.nei.PositionedStack;
import codechicken.nei.config.DataDumper;
import codechicken.nei.recipe.GuiCraftingRecipe;
import codechicken.nei.recipe.ICraftingHandler;
import codechicken.nei.util.NBTJson;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentTranslation;
import net.minecraft.util.RegistryNamespaced;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.NotImplementedException;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

// This dumper will likely be pretty heavy when run on a large modpack
// It finds all items in the world, then queries all recipe handlers for recipes to make it (crafting, not usage)
Expand All @@ -33,6 +35,8 @@ public RecipeDumper(String name) {

public String version = "1.0";

public String[] header() {
return new String[] { "Name", "ID", "NBT", "Handler Name", "Handler Recipe Index", "Ingredients", "Other Items",
Expand All @@ -48,94 +52,84 @@ private JsonObject stackToDetailedJson(ItemStack stack) {
itemObj.addProperty("displayName", stack.getDisplayName());

NBTTagCompound tag = stack.writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound());
itemObj.addProperty("nbt", tag.toString());
itemObj.add("nbt", NBTJson.toJsonObject(tag));

// I think there will be extra metadata/info here.
return itemObj;

private String stacksToJsonArrayString(List<PositionedStack> stacks) {
private JsonArray stacksToJsonArray(List<PositionedStack> stacks) {
JsonArray arr = new JsonArray();
for (PositionedStack stack : stacks) {
Item item = stack.item.getItem();
JsonObject itemObj = stackToDetailedJson(stack.item);
return arr.toString();
return arr;

public Iterable<String[]> dump(int mode) {
// ItemStack craftingTable = new ItemStack(Item.getItemById(58));
// ItemStack furnace = new ItemStack(Item.getItemById(61));

// Dare I cache all this dump output into a list?
// We'll try it and beg forgiveness from the gods of RAM if things go south
// I just don't know how much text I'm going to be dealing with yet.
List<String[]> list = new LinkedList<>();
for (ItemStack stack : ItemPanels.itemPanel.getItems()) {
// Gather item details (don't grab everything... you can dump items if you want more details)
// These columns will be repeated many times in the output, so don't write more than needed.
Item item = (Item) stack.getItem();
int id = itemRegistry.getIDForObject(item);
String name = itemRegistry.getNameForObject(item);

String queryItem = stackToDetailedJson(stack).toString();

// Perform the Query
List<ICraftingHandler> handlers = GuiCraftingRecipe.getCraftingHandlers("item", stack);
for (ICraftingHandler handler : handlers) {
// Gather crafting handler details (again, just a minimum, cross-reference a handler dump if you want)
final String handlerName = handler.getHandlerId();
final String recipeName = handler.getRecipeName();
final String recipeTabName = handler.getRecipeTabName();

// There be some *nested loop* action here
for (int recipeIndex = 0; recipeIndex < handler.numRecipes(); recipeIndex++) {
// Collapse Ingredient Lists into JSON format to keep CSV file sizes from going *completely* crazy
// List<> ingredients = handler.getIngredientStacks(recipeIndex).stream().map(
// pos_stack -> pos_stack.item.getItem()
// ).collect(Collectors.toList());
String ingredients = stacksToJsonArrayString(handler.getIngredientStacks(recipeIndex));
String otherIngredients = stacksToJsonArrayString(handler.getOtherStacks(recipeIndex));
String outItem = stackToDetailedJson(handler.getResultStack(recipeIndex).item).toString();
new String[] { name, Integer.toString(id), queryItem, handlerName,
Integer.toString(recipeIndex), ingredients, otherIngredients, outItem });
public JsonObject extractJsonRecipeData(ItemStack targetStack){
// Gather item details (don't grab everything... you can dump items if you want more details)
// These columns will be repeated many times in the output, so don't write more than needed.

JsonObject queryDump = new JsonObject();
queryDump.add("query_item", stackToDetailedJson(targetStack));

JsonArray handlerDumpArr = new JsonArray();
// Perform the Query
List<ICraftingHandler> handlers = GuiCraftingRecipe.getCraftingHandlers("item", targetStack);
for (ICraftingHandler handler : handlers) {

JsonObject handlerDump = new JsonObject();

// Gather crafting handler details (again, just a minimum, cross-reference a handler dump if you want)
handlerDump.addProperty("id", handler.getHandlerId());
handlerDump.addProperty("name", handler.getRecipeName());
handlerDump.addProperty("tab_name", handler.getRecipeTabName());

JsonArray recipeDumpArr = new JsonArray();
// There be some *nested loop* action here
for (int recipeIndex = 0; recipeIndex < handler.numRecipes(); recipeIndex++) {
JsonObject recipeDump = new JsonObject();
// Collapse Ingredient Lists into JSON format to keep CSV file sizes from going *completely* crazy
// List<> ingredients = handler.getIngredientStacks(recipeIndex).stream().map(
// pos_stack -> pos_stack.item.getItem()
// ).collect(Collectors.toList());
recipeDump.add("ingredients", stacksToJsonArray(handler.getIngredientStacks(recipeIndex)));
recipeDump.add("other_stacks", stacksToJsonArray(handler.getOtherStacks(recipeIndex)));
if (handler.getResultStack(recipeIndex) != null) {
recipeDump.add("out_item", stackToDetailedJson(handler.getResultStack(recipeIndex).item));
handlerDump.add("recipes", recipeDumpArr);
queryDump.add("handlers", handlerDumpArr);
return queryDump;

// for (IRecipeHandler handler : GuiUsageRecipe.usagehandlers) {
// final String handlerName = handler.getHandlerId();
// final String handlerId = Objects.firstNonNull(
// handler instanceof TemplateRecipeHandler ? ((TemplateRecipeHandler) handler).getOverlayIdentifier()
// : null,
// "null");
// HandlerInfo info = GuiRecipeTab.getHandlerInfo(handlerName, handlerId);
// list.add(
// new String[] { handler.getRecipeName(), handlerName, handlerId,
// info != null ? info.getModName() : "Unknown",
// info != null && info.getItemStack() != null ? info.getItemStack().toString() : "Unknown" });
// }
return list;
public Stream<JsonObject> getQueryDumps() {
return ItemList.items.parallelStream()

public String renderName() {
return translateN(name);

public String getFileExtension() {
switch (getMode()) {
case 0:
return ".csv";
case 1:
return ".json";
return null;
return ".json";
// return switch (getMode()) {
// case 0 -> ".csv";
// case 1 -> ".json";
// default -> null;
// };

Expand All @@ -148,24 +142,54 @@ public String modeButtonText() {
return translateN(name + ".mode." + getMode());

public Iterable<String[]> dump(int mode) {
// A little crunchy, I'll admit
throw new NotImplementedException("Recipe Dumper overrides the base DataDumper's dumping functionality in dumpTo(file)! dump() should never be called.");

public void dumpTo(File file) throws IOException {
if (getMode() == 0) super.dumpTo(file);
else dumpJson(file);
if (getMode() != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("RecipeDumper received an unexpected mode! There should only be one mode: JSON");}

// If you don't wanna hold all this crap in memory at once, you're going to have to work for it.
public void dumpJson(File file) throws IOException {
final String[] header = header();
final FileWriter writer;
final JsonWriter jsonWriter;
final Gson gson = new Gson();

try {
writer = new FileWriter(file);
for (String[] list : dump(getMode())) {
NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound();
for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i++) {
tag.setString(header[i], list[i]);
jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(writer);

jsonWriter.setIndent(" ");"version").value(version);"queries").beginArray();
Object lock = new Object();

// AtomicReference<IOException> error = new AtomicReference<>(null);

getQueryDumps().forEach(obj ->
synchronized (lock){
gson.toJson(obj, jsonWriter);
IOUtils.write(NBTJson.toJson(tag) + "\n", writer);

// // Super cool error handling.
// if (error.get() != null){
// throw error.get();
// }


} catch (IOException e) {
NEIClientConfig.logger.error("Filed to save dump recipe list to file {}", file, e);
Expand All @@ -174,6 +198,6 @@ public void dumpJson(File file) throws IOException {

public int modeCount() {
return 2;
return 1; // Only JSON

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