This repository is the official implementation of Robotic Grasping Using Object Detection and Primitive Geometric Model Based 6D Pose Estimation at Robot Vision Lab.
Our method is a two-stage pipeline that first detects the object and then estimates the 6D pose of the object using a primitive geometric model.
The ROS code of the simulation environment using Gazebo is inculded in this repository.
- ROS Noetic
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Python 3.8
- Pytorch 1.13.1
- open3d
- ultralytics
- moveit_commander
- opencv-python
- rospy
- ros_numpy
- numpy
- cv_bridge
- scipy
- tf
- Robot_gr_ws/src
- handover_robot
- robot_description: URDF files of the robot
- robot_gazebo: Including the main pose estimation code & launch files
- scripts/ Main pose estimation code
- launch/robot_gr_bringup_moveit.launch: The main launch file
- robot_gripper_moveit_config: Moveit config files
- Yolov8_ros: Object detection ROS package
- yolov8_ros
- scripts/ Object detection code for simulation, you can modify the rgb adn depth topic in this file
- weights: The weights of the Yolov8 model
- yolov8_ros
- handover_robot
Clone this repository
git clone
Install ROS Noetic
Install the required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install the required ROS packages
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-moveit ros-noetic-ros-control ros-noetic-ros-controllers sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-gazebo-ros-pkgs ros-noetic-gazebo-ros-control ros-noetic-ros-numpy
build the ROS workspace
cd into the workspace
cd Robot_gr_ws
build the workspace, initialize the workspace
build the workspace
source the workspace
source devel/setup.bash
launch the simulation environment
roslaunch handover_robot robot_gr_bringup_moveit.launch
launch yolov8 object detection
You can download our trained weights for some Gazebo objectshere
roslaunch yolov8_ros yolov8_ros.launch
You can modify the rgb topic in the yolov8_ros/scripts/ file
execute the pose estimation code
roscd handover_robot/robot_gazebo/scripts python3