COMBO is a novel pipeline for multi-layer network inference and analysis to identify relevant pathways in the studied case. Taking advantage of the Boolean implication method, both transcriptomic and epigenomic data were analyzed through StepMiner[1] and BooleanNet systems [2]. The goal was to identify the implication between the different transcripts and methylated CpGs. The obtained results were used to generate heterogeneous multi-layer graphs. Subsequently, Neo4J was exploited to query the multi-layer network with properly defined Cypher queries.
bash COMBO.bash -h
Usage: COMBO.bash [options]
## Mandatory augument:
-E expression matrix
-M methylation matrix
-i input file with sample information
-c file with comparison between samples
-h Print this Help
-o output folder path
## Optional arguments:
# StepMiner and BooleanNet
-d <int> delta threshold StepMiner (default=0.5)
-s <int> statistic of an implication to be considered significant in BooleanNet (default=6.0)
-P <int> maximum p-value P of an implication to be considered significant (default=0.01)
# Multilayer network creation
-w <string> metapathway, can be KEGG or KEGG_Reactome (default=KEGG)
-f <int> logFC threshold for expression data (default=|0.8|)
-x <int> logFC threshold for methylation data (default=0)
-j <int> adjusted pvalue threshold for methylation and expression data (default=0.05)
-n <string> annotation name (mutation, protein expression)
-a annotation table
# Number of CPU threads
-T <int> threads number
[1] Sahoo, D.,Dill, D.L., Tibshirani, R., Plevritis, S.K.: Extracting binary signals from microarray time-course data. Nucl. Acids Res., 3705–12 (2007)
[2] Sahoo, D., Dill, D.L., Gentles, A.J., Tibshirani, R., Plevritis, S.K.: Boolean implication networks derived from large scale, whole genome microarray datasets. Genome Biol. 9, R157 (2008)