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- Can my team/clan join the HeLO-System?
- What is an Elo System?
- What Factors influence the HeLO Score of my Team?
- How is the new Score calculated?
- What exactly are these "Factors"?
- What happens to inactive teams?
- How can i reactivate my team?
- Archived status
- How often do you update the score board?
Yes you can. To register your clan in the HeLo-System ranking please join our Discord and message Soxxes. Before your Clan gets listed in the HeLO-System you'll have to play three so called placement matches. These matches help us determine your initial score. You will have to play against three different teams already registered in the System:
- Any top-tier teams (more than 680 HeLO-Points)
- Any mid-tier teams (more than 550 and less than 680 HeLO-Points and at least 15 matches played)
- Any low-tier teams (less than 550 HeLO-Points)
After playing the placement matches we will determine your starting score and add you to the scoreboard.
An Elo-System is a rating system, created in the 1970s by A. Elo. He designed it to rank chess players. If you have ever played chess online, you may have noticed this number after your name. That's your elo score. Have a look at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system I slightly adjusted this system and adapted it to HLL ... and I named it HeLO score (short for Hell Let Loose Elo Score).
If you don't have a basic knowledge of how elo systems work, please take a few minutes to read about them. In contrary to chess, the HeLO score depends not only on the final result of the game and your current score. A victory in HLL can be a 5-0, 4-1 or 3-2. The latter is closer to a draw in chess than a win. Additionally, we don't rate players but whole teams. So another dependency is the number of players played in a certain game. Last, there are friendly matches and competitive matches between the teams. In my opinion that should be weighted differently, too. To summarize, there are three (four) main factors:
- the game result
- the number of players
- the competitive factor
- (number of games played)
I will skip the whole math part here. The first thing we need to know is the so-called probability of winning, which tells us how likely it is for a team to win against another team. For example, it's more likely for Team A (with a score of 654) to win against Team B (with a score of 512). The higher the difference of scores is the higher is the probability of Team A to win. Probabilities are conventionally between 0 and 1.
Another thing to know is the result (that's why you have to post your results here). Logically, the maximum number of points that can be achieved in HLL is 5. The number of caps your team holds at the end of the game will be normalized to 5, which results in a number between 0 and 1. All we have to do now is to subtract the probability of winning from the game result. Depending on those two variables the result of that subtraction is greater or less than 0.
Because large numbers feel better and calculating with integers is easier than calculating with decimals, we scale the result with a factor. They often use a factor of 40 in chess. By adding that result (positive or negative) to the old HeLO Score this leads to the new score (greater or less than the old score).
- Number of Games a: a = 40 for less than 30 games played, a = 20 for more (or equal) than 30 games played
- Competitive factor c: Off seasonal time is during Christmas and New Year's eve, easter time and during the summer (1st of July until 31st of August):
- friendly match: (off season): c = 0.5
- friendly match (on season): c = 0.8
- competitive match: c = 1
- competitive match (extra sweaty): c = 1.2
- Number of Players: The number of players is a logarithmic scaling factor. For me it was not an option to scale the number of players linearly, because it is a huge difference of missing a full squad in a 50v50 game and missing a squad in a 25v25 game. Therefore, this factor decreases even heavier the more players are missing. Fun fact: there have to be at least 3 players on each side. Otherwise the logarithm will be negative (and that is something we don't want to happen).
- Game Result: see above
Teams that have played less than three matches in two months receive the inactive status. Their score will disappear from the scoreboard for the time they stay inactive.
To reactivate your team you have to prove to the community that you are willing to play HLL on a competitive level again, e.g. by showing us your scheduled matches.
A team with no match within four months or being inactive for three months receives the archived status and hence disappear from the scoreboard. To reactive your team you'll have to play three placement matches again.
We will try to update the score board at least once every week. Mostly, this will happen after the weekends. You maybe recognized my helping elf, the HeLO-Bot. I can imagine to automate this process with his help. If you feel like you must know your score right now, you can type "!score [name_of_your_team]" in the chat. But please have in mind, this bot version is a pre-alpha-very-unstable-experimental-testing version. But I think since we all enjoyed some time in HLL this shouldn't be too unfamiliar.