"greg" <canned laughter>
- Changed PA power draw penalties from x5 to x10
- Particles will now crash instantly if the dipole has both penalties in effect (underspeed + undersized ring)
- This means that undersized accelerators require appropriate tier coils, and overtiered accelerators (i.e. high coils for low velocities) need to meet the size requirement
- Accelerators where both penalties take effect are usually tiny ones with single tier coils (usually the highest tier required) which are lame
- DNT nano suit helmets now require quantum circuits instead of bismuth ones
- Made particle capsules more expensive
- Since invalid recipes no longer void containers, this shouldn't really be a huge deal
- Both quadrupoles and dipoles now have a power cap of 2.5MHE
- RFCs now use 250kHE per pass (instead of 100k)
- Heavy water extraction now has a NEI handler
- Fixed particle detector not consuming power
- Fixed empty capsules not being recoverable from the color coded slots on the particle source
- Fixed particle detector nor charging from batteries
MD5: 246d7f98381df6854daf57419b30745a
SHA1: 5a41e5eadd68d638d1310fbe7b6713663229bf94