the unfinished crap special
- Perfluoromethyl
- Can be used as a coolant for PWRs, ICFs, and RBMK fluid heaters
- Can be cooled into cold perflyoromethyl using two compressors to be used as coolant for particle accelerators
- Also required for soldering all control units
- Standard coolant will be removed soon in favor of perfloromethyl, however for now it continues to function just the same
- Particle accelerator
- A new and improved version of the old one
- Still a work in progress, the recipes will likely not work, the parts have no recipes and the coil balancing is still not done
- Instead of being assembled block by block with weird rules, the new PA is assembled from six different machine parts, similar to how RBMKs work
- Ammo casing bag
- Can be carried around in the inventory, will fill with empty casings when guns are fired
- Casings have a fixed 50% recovery rate and are based on the recipe
- Can also recover parts of non-standard ammo like plastic from capacitors and lead plates from uranium boxes
- Ammo that is used whole, like rockets and mini nukes, do not leave any casing behind
- The bedrock ore processor now has an NEI handler
- Boilers and crucibles will only consume as much heat from the source as they can actually accept instead of a fixed rate, preventing them from wasting excess heat
- Rockets can now be made with rocket fuel in addition to cordite (only requires one)
- The rocket recipes using cordite now use 3 pieces of smokeless powder instead of 2
- Iron ore fragments now take 2x longer to process into steal using the rotary furnace, but require only a quarter of the steam per tick
- Little known secret: it is, indeed, possible to increase processing throughput by playing more than one machine. Either people don't know this, or they fear the immense cost of the rotary furnace, that being a few stone bricks, iron ingots and copper plates. Truly a king's ransom.
- Optimized rendering for conveyor belt items, each frame no longer creates a new item stack and item entity instance which need to be removed by the GC right after
- Changed fuel stats for HEAus, it's now a linear fuel with a multiplier of 35 with a heat/flux of 1.5°C
- Digamma RBMK fuel now lasts substantially longer
- RBMK dials now have gamerules for disabling rod depletion and xenon poison
- Changed the way bullet spread is calculated. Instead of the gun's innate inaccuracy being reduced by 75% when using sights, guns now have separate stats for innate inaccuracy (only relevant for things like SMG) as well as a hipfire penalty (roughly the same for all guns)
- This also includes a multiplier for ammo spread, which mainly concerns sawed-off shotguns (dual lever action shotguns, Broken and Sacred Dragon) and amplifies the inaccuracy for things like buckshot while slugs perform the same
- Guns that cannot be aimed (no sights, akimbo) or where aiming is only useful for special effects (missile launcher lockon, quad launcher steering) do not have a hipfire penalty
- Malachite now spawns in large deposits similar to hematite or bauxite, malachite veins are smaller than the others but way more common
- Malachite now drops malachite chunks, 3-4 by default. Malachite drops are subject to fortune, each level adding 1-2 extra chunks
- Malachite obtained by silk touch is now worth 6 ingots
- Malachite can be acidized with sulfuric acid into copper scraps with a 1:1 yield (instead of the crucible's 2:1)
- Limestone veins are now 50% larger
- The compressor now has a NEI handler for any non-generic recipe
- Removed compression recipes for steam, because why would you ever use those?
- Fluid tanks that use pressurized fluids now say "pressurized, use compressor!" to avoid confusion over what "1PU" means
- Damage should no longer register at all when the damage resistance is 100%, similar to how damage is completely nullified by DT (i.e. not even knockback is applied)
- Anvil construction recipes are now configurable via
- Arc furnace recipe generation has changed
- Recipe collision should be fixed, since a recipe will now write its valid inputs to a list, if a subsequent recipe has an ingredient already present in the list, it will not be generated
- This means that NTM's custom recipes take precedent, and only some edge cases with vanilla furnace recipes are removed
- This means there is no more ambiguity in the NEI handler over what item smelts into what
- As a consequence, the arc furnace's recipe generator no longer accepts wildcard meta, in practice this likely doesn't matter since ores and ingots generally don't use wildcard recipes anyway
- Recipe lookups should be a tad faster due to a type change
- Foundry outlets will no longer pour material into a channel if any connected channel contains a different material. This means that it's not much harder to clog foundry channels with different materials, as the output (e.g. a crucible) will wait until the channel is clear before the next type of metal is being poured
- Fixed incorrect tooltip in the automatic control rod's GUI
- Fixed recipe autogen creating recipes for nonexistant thorium nether ore
- Fixed FBI agents spawning both the old and new bullet entities when firing
- Fixed dupe concerning one of the weapon abilities
- Fixed crates not sending a block update when the contents change, breaking redstone comparator functionality
- Fixed "unblockable" damage (like afterburn) not being covered by the "other" category of armor resistances, meaning things like DNT nano suits would get wrecked by phosphorus rounds
- Fixed most mini nuke variants not going off when hitting an entity while the nuke has been in the air for less than 3 ticks
- Gun damage now also does 0 points of vanilla damage, ensuring that certain entity events trigger, e.g. neutral mobs targeting the player
- Fixed items being deleted by the crucible when using hotbar shortcuts by disabling hotkey shortcuts entirely
- How about you shift-click like a normal person
- Hotkey shortcuts may return, but this requires a substantial rewrite of the container base code because vanilla's implementation is atrocious
- Fixed legendary crafting causing disconnects on servers
- Fixed a dupe caused by shift clicking
- Added more safeguards and range checks to ReaSim water calculation which might fix the issue of ReaSim water breaking completely
MD5: 2a0d96c6321ccfc5c2075148e7bc945a
SHA1: add6a06aa86608f722d57da658f64f7e7ec1f90d