- 👯 I’m a backend dev who quit to start his own Dev Agency . Reach out to us if you need any tech help. We work with early stage startups to help them get from MVP to Series A.
- 🌱 I can build saucy backends that run blazingly fast with NodeJS. Familiar with the AWS ecosystem very well.
- 👨🏿💻 I can pretty much work on anything from serverless to configuring EC2s and NGINX.
- 📙 Learning GO to write more faster backends with Concurrency.
- 💬 Would love to talk to about Psychology, Game Theory or any niche passion that you might have 💖
- 📫 How to reach me: HarishTeens
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him 💁♂️
- ⚡ Fun fact: I am too much of a geek that my hobby is speedcubing 🤓
- Here is a link to a Notion Page that summarises all my Activities from Code, Community and Hackathons. Activities Report 2020-21
Languages and Tools:
I'm looking for job right now, here is my resume link: Harish Resume
Suitable Roles: SDE2, Fullstack Engineer, Backend Engineer, Cloud Engineer
Professional Experience: 3 years