Hey GWC team, you've found the starter bot! Excellent work. Before cloning a project, it's a good idea to read the README (this is the README) to underestand what a project does, requires, any special setup, etc.
Due to 2020 being 2020, we'll be doing our development hackathon-style by sharing a coding session on codeshare.io, with "pushes" to the bot made locally on my machine. Since that ruins the standard commit-based crediting of git, we'll have a special CREDITS.md file. If you've been directed to this project, please check that file out to see what work everyone did!
To run the bot, you'll need the Discord Python API. You can install it by going to the root folder for this project (when you run git clone, the folder that's created is the project's "root") and running pip install -r requirements.txt
This bot contains a file, secret.txt, which must contain your bot's key. Open the file and replace its contents with your bot's key, then run min_bot.py. Of course, you'll also need to have the bot invited to our test server.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.