WWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWhhhhhhh iiii tttt
W::::::W W::::::Wh:::::h i::::i ttt:::t
W::::::W W::::::Wh:::::h iiii t:::::t
W::::::W W::::::Wh:::::h t:::::t
W:::::W WWWWW W:::::W h::::h hhhhh iiiiiiittttttt:::::ttttttt eeeeeeeeeeee
W:::::W W:::::W W:::::W h::::hh:::::hhh i:::::it:::::::::::::::::t ee::::::::::::ee
W:::::W W:::::::W W:::::W h::::::::::::::hh i::::it:::::::::::::::::t e::::::eeeee:::::ee
W:::::W W:::::::::W W:::::W h:::::::hhh::::::h i::::itttttt:::::::tttttt e::::::e e:::::e
W:::::W W:::::W:::::W W:::::W h::::::h h::::::h i::::i t:::::t e:::::::eeeee::::::e
W:::::W W:::::W W:::::W W:::::W h:::::h h:::::h i::::i t:::::t e:::::::::::::::::e
W:::::W:::::W W:::::W:::::W h:::::h h:::::h i::::i t:::::t e::::::eeeeeeeeeee
W:::::::::W W:::::::::W h:::::h h:::::h i::::i t:::::t tttttte:::::::e
W:::::::W W:::::::W h:::::h h:::::hi::::::i t::::::tttt:::::te::::::::e
W:::::W W:::::W h:::::h h:::::hi::::::i tt::::::::::::::t e::::::::eeeeeeee
W:::W W:::W h:::::h h:::::hi::::::i tt:::::::::::tt ee:::::::::::::e
WWW WWW hhhhhhh hhhhhhhiiiiiiii ttttttttttt eeeeeeeeeeeeee
B::::::::::::::::B i::::i d::::::d
B::::::BBBBBB:::::B iiii d::::::d
BB:::::B B:::::B d:::::d
B::::B B:::::Biiiiiiirrrrr rrrrrrrrr ddddddddd:::::d
B::::B B:::::Bi:::::ir::::rrr:::::::::r dd::::::::::::::d
B::::BBBBBB:::::B i::::ir:::::::::::::::::r d::::::::::::::::d
B:::::::::::::BB i::::irr::::::rrrrr::::::rd:::::::ddddd:::::d
B::::BBBBBB:::::B i::::i r:::::r r:::::rd::::::d d:::::d
B::::B B:::::B i::::i r:::::r rrrrrrrd:::::d d:::::d
B::::B B:::::B i::::i r:::::r d:::::d d:::::d
B::::B B:::::B i::::i r:::::r d:::::d d:::::d
BB:::::BBBBBB::::::Bi::::::ir:::::r d::::::ddddd::::::dd
B:::::::::::::::::B i::::::ir:::::r d:::::::::::::::::d
B::::::::::::::::B i::::::ir:::::r d:::::::::ddd::::d
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB iiiiiiiirrrrrrr ddddddddd ddddd
C:::::C CCCCCC aaaaaaaaaaaaa rrrrr rrrrrrrrr eeeeeeeeeeee ssssssssss
C:::::C a::::::::::::a r::::rrr:::::::::r ee::::::::::::ee ss::::::::::s
C:::::C aaaaaaaaa:::::ar:::::::::::::::::r e::::::eeeee:::::eess:::::::::::::s
C:::::C a::::arr::::::rrrrr::::::re::::::e e:::::es::::::ssss:::::s
C:::::C aaaaaaa:::::a r:::::r r:::::re:::::::eeeee::::::e s:::::s ssssss
C:::::C aa::::::::::::a r:::::r rrrrrrre:::::::::::::::::e s::::::s
C:::::C a::::aaaa::::::a r:::::r e::::::eeeeeeeeeee s::::::s
C:::::C CCCCCCa::::a a:::::a r:::::r e:::::::e ssssss s:::::s
C:::::CCCCCCCC::::Ca::::a a:::::a r:::::r e::::::::e s:::::ssss::::::s
CC:::::::::::::::Ca:::::aaaa::::::a r:::::r e::::::::eeeeeeee s::::::::::::::s
CCC::::::::::::C a::::::::::aa:::ar:::::r ee:::::::::::::e s:::::::::::ss
CCCCCCCCCCCCC aaaaaaaaaa aaaarrrrrrr eeeeeeeeeeeeee sssssssssss
The server will not function if the SESSION_SECRET
envar is not set. When starting the server be sure to run the equivalent of the following command:
The passphrase can be whatever you want - it's used as a salt, so there is no need to remember it
git clone the repo
cd into the newly cloned directory
$ make install
$ make start
Navigate to your web browser and type in localhost:3001
- Node environment for the process. Default is
- Node environment for the process. Default is
- Port to use for the server. Default is 3001
- Connection string for connecting to the mongodb
used for session auth
- Detfault
Only used when seeding database - the user name for access to the site
- Detfault
- Only used when seeding database - the password for access to the site
Utilites live in the utils directory. They are helper processes that are generally designed for development purposes
This utility will automatically find .scss
files in the public/stylesheets directory and convert those files into .css
. This utility is automatically run when using make start
, but it can be run seperatly by running make scss
This utility will "seed" a local mongo database with data from a hard-coded csv file. This can be run with make seed
, and should only need to be run when there are updates to the data csv
One time utility used to collate data - no longer useful, but has sentimental value
This project also includes a partially featured REST API for programatic access to the Help Book data. Data can only be retireved, not altered
Good luck!
Make seems to be unhappy with Windows environments. If Make commands aren't working, try running the commands (or Windows equivalent commands) that are in the Makefile itself
(Not guranteed to be inclusive)
Christianna Hannegan and Heather Sielicki
- Champions for the White Bird Hack for a Cause challenge. Their help was invaluable
Colt Steel https://www.udemy.com/user/coltsteele/
- Local Authentication system based heavily off of systems he designed for his Web Developer Boot Camp course
bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb
hhhhhhh 444444444 kkkkkkkk b::::::b 444444444 b::::::b 333333333333333
h:::::h 4::::::::4 k::::::k b::::::b 4::::::::4 b::::::b 3:::::::::::::::33
h:::::h 4:::::::::4 k::::::k b::::::b 4:::::::::4 b::::::b 3::::::33333::::::3
h:::::h 4::::44::::4 k::::::k b:::::b 4::::44::::4 b:::::b 3333333 3:::::3
h::::h hhhhh 4::::4 4::::4 cccccccccccccccc k:::::k kkkkkkkb:::::bbbbbbbbb 4::::4 4::::4 b:::::bbbbbbbbb 3:::::3 ssssssssss
h::::hh:::::hhh 4::::4 4::::4 cc:::::::::::::::c k:::::k k:::::k b::::::::::::::bb 4::::4 4::::4 b::::::::::::::bb 3:::::3 ss::::::::::s
h::::::::::::::hh 4::::4 4::::4 c:::::::::::::::::c k:::::k k:::::k b::::::::::::::::b 4::::4 4::::4 b::::::::::::::::b 33333333:::::3 ss:::::::::::::s
h:::::::hhh::::::h 4::::444444::::444c:::::::cccccc:::::c k:::::k k:::::k b:::::bbbbb:::::::b4::::444444::::444b:::::bbbbb:::::::b 3:::::::::::3 s::::::ssss:::::s
h::::::h h::::::h4::::::::::::::::4c::::::c ccccccc k::::::k:::::k b:::::b b::::::b4::::::::::::::::4b:::::b b::::::b 33333333:::::3 s:::::s ssssss
h:::::h h:::::h4444444444:::::444c:::::c k:::::::::::k b:::::b b:::::b4444444444:::::444b:::::b b:::::b 3:::::3 s::::::s
h:::::h h:::::h 4::::4 c:::::c k:::::::::::k b:::::b b:::::b 4::::4 b:::::b b:::::b 3:::::3 s::::::s
h:::::h h:::::h 4::::4 c::::::c ccccccc k::::::k:::::k b:::::b b:::::b 4::::4 b:::::b b:::::b 3:::::3ssssss s:::::s
h:::::h h:::::h 4::::4 c:::::::cccccc:::::ck::::::k k:::::k b:::::bbbbbb::::::b 4::::4 b:::::bbbbbb::::::b3333333 3:::::3s:::::ssss::::::s
h:::::h h:::::h 44::::::44 c:::::::::::::::::ck::::::k k:::::k b::::::::::::::::b 44::::::44b::::::::::::::::b 3::::::33333::::::3s::::::::::::::s
h:::::h h:::::h 4::::::::4 cc:::::::::::::::ck::::::k k:::::k b:::::::::::::::b 4::::::::4b:::::::::::::::b 3:::::::::::::::33 s:::::::::::ss
hhhhhhh hhhhhhh 4444444444 cccccccccccccccckkkkkkkk kkkkkkkbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb 4444444444bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb 333333333333333 sssssssssss