A Todo App implemented for the provided assignment on React Native which uses Redux, Thunk, OAuth with Firebase and Local Storage
- User Authentication
- CRUD Todos
- Finding Position of Floor Plan
- User profile details (Read and Update)
The project uses atomic design principles and container component architecture. The folder structure of the project goes as follows
├── assets # All asset files used on the project
├── components # Individual components used on the project
├── atoms
├── molecules
├── organisms
├── navigators # Navigators used on the project
├── redux # Redux files
├── actions
├── reducers
├── screens # Individual screens of the project
├── Screen # Root folder of the screen
├── index.js # The container component which handles logic of the screen
├── ScreenUi.js # The dumb presentational component which has all the elements to be displayed
├── styles.js # The style file for the Ui component
├── services # Service files whcih handles data outside the app
├── styles # Global styles (Colors, Fonts)
- Clone the repository into your local machine
- Open a terminal / Command Prompt on the project directory
- Run command "npm install"
- On the same terminal or if you wish to, On a different one, run command "npx react-native start" to start the Metro server
- Make sure you have an emulator open or a device connected to your machine with "USB Debugging" turned on
- On a different terminal, run command "npx react-native run-android" to run the application
Username : [email protected] Password: Haady@123