This repository includes Pytorch implementations of various RL algorithms with custom gym of 2048 game.
PPO algorithm will be supported soon.
DQN performs better than SAC. In my opinion, it is because 2048 game has small, discrete action space. If you have any opinion/tips to improve SAC agent or if you have any other algorithms to be supported, feel free to contact me.(Issue or email)
Install dependencies with Docker. You can also install dependencies using requirements.txt.
To build Docker image, run this command.
# format: docker build -t . <image_name>
docker build -t . 2048
After building image, use the following command to run the Docker container.
docker run -ti --gpus '"device='<gpu number>'"' -v <your working directory>:/app --ipc=host --name <container_name> <image_name> /bin/bash
# or you can run this command after changing file in proper format
./ <gpu num> <container_name>
If you want to train your own agent, run
# For example, (in case of DQN agent)
python --config configs/config_dqn.yaml
You can freely change the hyperparameter if you needed.
You can test with the pretrained networks. All pretrained networks can be downloaded in following link.
To render the playing result with the network, run
# before run this command, you should put the path to checkpoint in config file.
# For example, (in case of DQN agnet)
python --config configs/config_dqn.yaml
My average score in 2048 game is 4000~5000.(I'm not good at this game)
The rendered result of playing 2048 with DQN agent with seed 1234.(Score: 12392)
Training Logs of DQN agent. The average score is about 6000.
Traning Logs of SAC agent. The average score is about 2000.