Course Book Search Engine. A lightweight keyword search engine for searching course books based on course summaries.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Mock data is used for searching and included in the project. see data.json.
Production build is not implemented yet.
Make sure to have node
version >=10.15.0
and npm
version >=6.4.1
installed in your system.
see how to install node and npm
All you need to do is, clone the repo and run
npm i
To run the application in local system
npm start
npm run test
Jest test coverage provides coverage detatils
- Vanilla JavaScript
- React - JS library used for building user interfaces
For build and testing libaries used in the project, see package.json
- Gunavel B Singaravelu - LinkedIn
- This project is a take home challenge
- Thanks to the team for providing an opportunity
- Split large data into smaller chunks and process in parallel while searching
- Implement error handling across the application
- Improve on search accuracy
- Add more test cases to cover edge cases
- Analyze and optimize UI render performance
- Improve on UX
- Make frequent logical git commits
- Improve on naming conventions
- Don't over think on CSS styles