- Portugal
- same time
Magic Public
KMP Magic Deck Cards
Expressus Public
Kotlin Multiplatform Coffee Machine
WhosNext Public
Kotlin Multiplatform Timer
KMP-ComposeUIViewController Public
KSP library and Gradle Plugin for generating ComposeUIViewController and UIViewControllerRepresentable files when using Compose Multiplatform for iOS
sqldelight Public
Forked from sqldelight/sqldelightSQLDelight - Generates typesafe Kotlin APIs from SQL
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 31, 2024 -
JsonBroadcaster Public
Update the UI state of your Android and iOS apps at runtime.
StateMachine Public
Forked from evengard88/StateMachineA Kotlin DSL for finite state machine (FORK: to add wasmJs KMP target)
Kotlin Other UpdatedFeb 19, 2024 -
KitchenTimer Public
A kitchen timer implemented with Jetpack Compose
CountryCodeChooser Public
Forked from ParveshSandila/CountryCodeChooserCountry code chooser in Jetpack compose
RecyclerPickerDialog Public
A FragmentDialog implemented with RecyclerView that can accept Single or Multiple selections
PlaceHolderRecyclerView Public
A RecyclerView that can switch between items and placeholders
SharedPrefs-ktx Public
Save and load objects from SharedPreferences in a faster and simpler way with Kotlin Extensions 🎉
AndroidStyling-LintRules Public
A set of lint rules to check for common mistakes when styling and theming on Android
ResourcesProvider-ktx Public
Helper class to provide resources - ContextCompat, ResourcesCompat, AnimationUtils, Context.resources - all in one place! 🤩🥳
QuantityPickerView Public
A View capable of increasing or decreasing a unit value with a toggle animation
SeekbarRangedView Public
A SeekBarView restrained by a minimum and maximum value.
KeyboardStateEvents Public
LiveData notification when keyboard opens or closes, plus some handy extension functions
CircularProgressView Public
A fancy CircularProgressView
OneHotMinute-Compose Public
Android Dev Challenge: Week 2 - Countdown timer
Kairos Public
Android Dev Challenge Finale: Weather app
Zoo-Compose Public
Android Dev Challenge: Week1 - Animal adoption
DesingSpeedRun-Compose Public
Android Dev Challenge: Week 3 - Speed round
SharedPrefsUtils Public archive
Save and load objects from SharedPreferences in a faster and simpler way