BakkesMod Plugin to integrate Rocket League events with Home Assistant
These automations can be designed to control more things than just lights
⭐Special thanks to those in the Discord and notably Branky and JerryTheBee⭐
And some other person named Josh
The plugin utilizes Home Assistant's built in Webhook automation trigger. Currently, the plugin is only designed to be used with HTTP. The skeleton for HTTPS and its token are already in place.
There are a few automations to create:
- Create a new scene corresponding to the scenario (Home Team, Away Team, Demos, etc)
- Give it a name (and icon/area if you'd like)
- Add entities/devices to the scene and adjust the colors accordingly
- Save the scene
- Create a new, or duplicate the scene.
- Adjust entities/devices colors respectively.
- Save the scene
- Create a new automation
- Give it a name (I suggest not adding a name in the title until after the Webhook ID generation) and set the trigger type to Webhook:
- Adjust conditions as needed (Time of day, geolocation, etc, etc)
- Change action type to Activate Scene, then select the corresponding scene you've created.
- Save the automation. I like to duplicate the automation and simply append the corresponding function to the Webhook ID, like so:
- Change the scene to be activated by the automation.
- Repeat for each color change you'd like to have (Demos, Freeplay, Main Menu, etc)
- After plugin is installed, launch Rocket League and press F2
- Under the plugin tab, select RocketLeagueAssistant:
From Home Assistant, copy the Webhook ID from the corresponding automation and paste it into the setting's correct setting's text box.
That should do it!
If you manually reload the plugin (through the F6 BakkesMod Console) while in the game, the URL will have to be reentered.
- Find a better Function to hook to for running the automation. Currently, the function is called when you switch teams, and when a goal is scored.
- Finalize RGB support to push to HA bulbs (This may vary on manufacturer, so may a duanting task)
- Probably code clean up and Nullchecks