Automatic release of version: 1.1.0
Changes in this release:
Bug Fixes
- Add copy from fetcher that got lost during merge (2f8e1487)
Build System
- Update to 20.10.12-dind-alpine3.15 (504c6cc1)
- deps:
- update docker docker tag to v20.10.12 (c11124c2)
- update docker docker tag to v20.10.11 (bb3913aa)
New Features
- Add for webhook messages (b0968e26)
Other Changes
- 1.1.0 (34dc95ba)
- // (42973da9)
- 1.0.4 which deprecates armv7 images. Staying up-to-date is more important than supporting old platforms. Sorry, you may need to consider getting a Raspberry Pi 4. (b5572fcb)