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Adding Custom Components

GreenJamesDev edited this page Jul 1, 2021 · 2 revisions

As of Beta, RsMapper comes with a built in modpack creator. Modpacks replace the tedious task of creating and manually installing custom components. They also allow custom components to be easily shared between users. This wiki page will go over the basics of modpacks, how to create them, and how to install them.

.RSMP (RsMapper Modpack) Files

RsMapper modpacks take the form of .rsmp files. Really, these files are just fancy .zip files. They contain all of the information and files needed for RsMapper to recognize and display custom components. If you were to take a look inside one of these files with 7Zip, you would see something very familiar, a components.json file and an "Imgs" folder. As this would suggest, modpacks work essentially the same as RsMapper's core components. The .rsmp file format provides for a convenient way to share and move custom components between computers.

Creating a Modpack

RsMapper's built-in modpack creator.

RsMapper's modpack creator can be accessed by going to the RsMapper menu, and clicking the "Create Mod..." option. The modpack creator window is split up into two halves. The left half of the window displays all of the components that will be included in the modpack. The right half of the window allows you to create individual components and add them to the list on the left. The functionality for "Accepts Wire" relates to redstone simulation and hasn't been implemented into RsMapper yet, so it can currently be ignored. Once an image has been selected and all of the basic info for the component has been entered, you can add it to the modpack by clicking the "<< Add Component" button. If you wish to remove a component from the modpack list, you can right-click and click the "Delete" option. Once your modpack is finished, you can click the "Export Modpack..." button, which will allow you to save it as a .rsmp file.

Installing and Removing Modpacks

Modpacks can be installed from within RsMapper. To install a modpack, go to the RsMapper menu, and click "Modpacks...". This will open a window that displays a list of all of your installed modpacks. This window has three buttons at the bottom, "Add", "Remove", and "OK".

Installing a Modpack

Click the "Add" button and select the .rsmp file of the modpack that you would like to install. RsMapper will need to be restarted for the changes to take effect. Once you reopen RsMapper, you should see the new components in the components list.

Removing a Modpack

Select the modpack that you wish to uninstall from the list, then click the "Remove" button. RsMapper will confirm that you truly wish to remove it. Once the modpack is uninstalled, you will need to restart RsMapper for the changes to take effect.