Releases: GreenJamesDev/RsMapper
Yet another beta update, yet another step closer to a full release. This update mainly focuses on adding blocks and some quality of life changes.
- Added rails.
- Rails, powered rails, detector rails, and activator rails.
- Added slime blocks.
- Dispensers and droppers now let you enter their contents.
- Modpacks can now be installed by simply opening them from Windows Explorer using RsMapper.
command line argument.- Tells RsMapper to not run the self update checker on startup.
- Wires no longer rotate depending on WASD direction.
After around a year of off and on development, here is beta This is the biggest update to RsMapper yet, however with so many new updates bugs can arise, so please report any that you find to the issues page.
NOTE: If you are updating from beta and don't see the lightning rod in the components list, try resetting your components.json file from the RsMapper menu.
- Modpacks
- Modpacks add new components to RsMapper. They can be created within RsMapper itself by clicking on the "Create Mod..." item in the RsMapper menu, They can also be installed via the new Modpacks window. The Modpacks window allows you to install mods from .rsmp (RsMapper Modpack) files, as well as uninstall mods you no longer want.
- An example modpack will be downloadable below.
- Since this feature is pretty huge and took some time to make, there are bound to be a few hidden bugs that I wasn't able to catch, so any bug reports involving this feature are very welcome.
- Delete
- Components placed in the workspace can now be deleted by middle clicking on them.
- Lightning Rods
- An item introduced in Minecraft 1.17. It emits a redstone signal when struck with lightning.
- Self Updater now works in the background.
- I felt that the "checking for updates" window that appears when RsMapper is opened was too intrusive, so now this process takes place entirely in the background. If an update is found, RsMapper now pushes a notification rather than opening a message box.
- Component images are now stored in RsMapper's AppData folder.
This update introduces a lot of features that I've been wanting to add since I first began developing RsMapper a year ago. I think that RsMapper is nearing some sort of full release version, however there is still a lot of work to do before this. I want to spend most of my time on this project going forward fixing bugs and improving the program's stability.
After a few months, I've returned to this project! This is a fairly minor update, however I wanna polish RsMapper before adding new features, and therefore, new bugs.
- Fullscreen mode.
- Can be toggled from the "View" menu or by pressing F11.
command line argument.- Tells RsMapper to skip checking for and loading the Components.json file.
- RsMapper no longer asks the user if they'd like to download Components.json.
- Components.json is now stored in the user's
Bug Fixes
- RsMapper closes if the user clicks
exit > save > cancel > cancel
, causing them to lose their work. - RsMapper cannot download Components.json if the program is stored in a System folder.
The second ever beta for RsMapper has arrived! Here is the change log:
- Printing
- Doors and Trapdoors
- Settings
- Toggle workspace grid.
- Workspace grid color.
- Reset components.json.
- Components.json can now be backed up from within RsMapper.
- Feedback help menu item. Takes the user to GitHub issues.
- Startup update checks now run on a separate thread from RsMapper.
- Block names show up as tooltips when hovered over in the workspace.