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This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 23, 2025. It is now read-only.
Rodrigo Aluizio edited this page Oct 30, 2018 · 23 revisions

User Guide

1. General Information

cramb is a Python 3 application with a Graphical User Interface based on Tcl/Tk using the Tkinter module. It was created with the intention to provide a more easy to use interface to the CIPRES Restful API which is a public resource for inference of large phylogenetic trees. cramb is specifically designed to be used with MrBayes (MRBAYES_XSEDE) on CIPRES servers. It demands few resources from the client machine, but it does require an Internet connection.

2. Installation

2.1 Windows (binary)

If you don't have Python ≥ 3.6 installed on your machine, to install cramb on Windows 10 (x64) download and execute (double click) the latest release and authorize it. Confirm the application installation and wait it to finish. Once done, a shortcut will be created in your startup menu. Just click it and the application will start. Windows may warn you that the software is not secure and may harm your system. It is because the application is not signed by Microsoft. Do not worry, it is safe, at least if you get the original stuff!

2.2 Other Platforms

Any OS that has Python ≥ 3.6 installed is capable of running cramb using its source code (once all the dependencies are also installed), but shortcuts will have to be created manually.

2.2.1 Dependencies

  • dill
  • python_cipres
  • tkinter
  • requests
  • idna
  • pathlib
  • biopython
  • ttkthemes

A few other dependencies exist, but they are packed with the Python distribution or installed along with these main dependencies.

These dependencies can be installed using pip. In a Terminal Emulador or Power Shell Console enter:

pip install <module name>