💻 This project is completely open-source; you can check out the code here on GitHub, clone the repository, or create suggestions. You can also add your own prompts to share or submit bug reports. Here is an overview:
I discovered a bug 🐞. What can I do?
You can create a GitHub account and then create an issue by going to the "Issues" tab above, and then clicking on the green "New Issue" button. Give your issue a title, for example 'Website Crash', add the #bug label/tag on the right side and describe your issue. That's it!
I have an interesting idea 💡. How can I suggest it?
You can create a GitHub account and then create an issue by going to the "Issues" tab above, and then clicking on the green "New Issue" button. Give your issue a title, for example 'Feature Suggestion: Print Tests', add the #suggestion label/tag on the right side and describe your issue. That's it! Please keep in mind that this is a small project
I have a question 🤔. Where can I ask?
You can create a GitHub account and then create an issue by going to the "Issues" tab above, and then clicking on the green "New Issue" button. Give your issue a title, for example 'Does the page use cookies?', add the #question label/tag on the right side and describe your issue. That's it!
Thanks for making this page better and helping other students study for the exam! You can create a GitHub account and then create an issue by going to the "Issues" tab above, and then clicking on the green "New Issue" button. Give your issue a title, for example 'Cultural Studies: Historical Overview Prompts' (the title needs to contain Cultural Studies or Literary Studies), add the #prompt(s) label/tag on the right side and describe your issue. In order for me to add your prompts please adhere to the following format:
- [q] : The quote (") / Das Anführungszeichen (")
- [k] : The comma (,) / Das Komma (,)
- [e] : The carriage return (Enter) / Der Zeilenumbruch (Enter)
[q]Prompt 1[q][k][e]
[q]Prompt 2[q][k][e]
[q]Prompmt n[q]
The last prompt doesn't need a comma. After every comma follows enter. Important: Your prompt MAY NOT ✖️ contain a quote (") [q] because it will close your prompt!
Example Issue:
(Issue Content):
"Prompt Exampleeeeeee",
"What is a 'Myth' according to Roland Barthes?"