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CI edited this page Jul 14, 2021 · 1 revision

These are most basic skinning functions and are the foundation of every skin in Aurora.

Base.AddSkin(addonName, func)

Allows an external addon to add a skinning function for the specified AddOn. func will run when the ADDON_LOADED event is triggered for addonName.


  • addonName - the name of the AddOn to be skinned (string)
  • func - used to skin the AddOn (function)


Returns a list of all non-Blizzard AddOn skins.


  • skinList - an indexed list of addon names (table)

Base.CropIcon(texture[, parent])

Sets texture coordinates to just inside a square icon's built-in border. If the optional second argument is provided, an other texture will be created at a black background for the icon.


  • texture - the texture to be cropped (Texture)
  • parent - optional a frame that can create a texture (Frame)


  • iconBorder - optional a black texture behind the icon to act as a border (Texture)
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