A Simple To Do List Application
- Python 3.6+
- Django 2.0.2 (Tested)
- Xampp (for MySQL running on port 3306)
- MySQL 5.0 or above
Note: In case of a different port being used for MySQL, change the settings accordingly in the settings.py file in the main folder
- Start Apache and MySQL from the Xampp Control Panel
- Import the database file
under the schema name tasktracker - Run the code using
command prompt
or pycharm ide preferably
- Locate and open the project folder in cmd
- Type in
python manage.py runserver
to start the server for project.
- setup configuration as Django Server and click on apply.
- click on the run icon and the project is up and ready to be used.
username: admin password: admin123456
username: demouser password: demouser123
Django admin panel can be accessed using the admin credentials and link
Note: This is the default localhost which is used by the server for django