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add vnir_middle calibration
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Max Burnette committed Dec 16, 2019
1 parent 35e5d7f commit 88b2f23
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Showing 10 changed files with 532 additions and 120 deletions.
305 changes: 305 additions & 0 deletions Hyperspectral_Calibration_20191212.txt
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

*** Radiometric calibration of hyperspectral imagery ***

This framework will process the raw hyperspectral VNIR and SWIR imagery using the pre-computed
calibration models and real-time downwelling irradiance data, convert raw image digital number(DN)
to reflectance and save as netCDF files.

Input: 1) VNIR and SWIR raw hyperspectral imagery
2) Spectral data from downwelling irradiance sensor
3) Pre-computed calibration models (includes four models: vnir_new, vnir_middle, vnir_old, swir_new; models are not avaialbe for swir_old and swir_middle
because no downwelling irridiance data/sensor was avaiable for that time period)

Output: Hyperspectral reflectance imagery with netCDF format

@author: Remote Sensing Lab at Saint Louis University


import json
import numpy as np
import os
import as envi
from netCDF4 import Dataset

raw_root = "/home/extractor/sites/ua-mac/raw_data"
# raw_root = "/home/extractor/hs_calib"

# extract spectral profiles from environmentlogger.json
def irradiance_time_extractor(camera_type,envlog_file):
# For the environmental logger records after 04/26/2016, there would be 24 files per day (1 file per hour, 5 seconds per record)
# Convert json fiel to dictionary format file
with open(envlog_file, "r") as fp:
lines = fp.readlines()
slines = "".join(lines)
js = json.loads(slines)

# assume that time stamp follows in 5 second increments across records since 5 sec/record
num_readings = len(js["environment_sensor_readings"])
if "spectrometers" in js["environment_sensor_readings"][0]:
if camera_type == "swir_new":
num_bands = len(js["environment_sensor_readings"][0]["spectrometers"]["NIRQuest-512"]["spectrum"])
num_bands = len(js["environment_sensor_readings"][0]["spectrometers"]["FLAME-T"]["spectrum"])
num_bands = len(js["environment_sensor_readings"][0]["spectrometer"]["spectrum"])

spectra = np.zeros((num_readings, num_bands))
times = []
for idx in range(num_readings):
# read time stamp
time_current = js["environment_sensor_readings"][idx]["timestamp"]
C = time_current.replace("."," ").replace("-"," ").replace(":","")
ArrayTime=C.split(" ")
time_current_r = int(ArrayTime[3])

# read spectrum from irridiance sensors
if "spectrometers" in js["environment_sensor_readings"][idx]:
if camera_type == "swir_new":
spectrum = js["environment_sensor_readings"][0]["spectrometers"]["NIRQuest-512"]["spectrum"]
spectrum = js["environment_sensor_readings"][idx]["spectrometers"]["FLAME-T"]["spectrum"]
spectrum = js["environment_sensor_readings"][idx]["spectrometer"]["spectrum"]

spectra[idx,:] = spectrum

return times, spectra

# replace rfl_img variable in netcdf with given matrix
def update_netcdf(inp, rfl_data, camera_type):
print("Updating %s" % inp)

out = inp.replace(".nc", "")

with Dataset(inp) as src, Dataset(out, "w") as dst:
# copy global attributes all at once via dictionary
# copy dimensions
for name, dimension in src.dimensions.items():
dst.createDimension(name, (len(dimension) if not dimension.isunlimited() else None))

# copy all file data except for the excluded
for name, variable in src.variables.items():
if name == "Google_Map_View":

# Create variables
var_dict = (src[name].__dict__)
if '_FillValue' in var_dict.keys():
x = dst.createVariable(name, variable.datatype, variable.dimensions, fill_value=var_dict['_FillValue'])
del var_dict['_FillValue']
x = dst.createVariable(name, variable.datatype, variable.dimensions)

# Set variables to values
if name != "rfl_img":
print("...%s" % name)
dst[name][:] = src[name][:]
if camera_type=='vnir_old':
print("...%s (subset)" % name)
dst[name][:679,:,:] = rfl_data
# 679-955 set to NaN
dst[name][679:,:,:] = np.nan

elif camera_type == "vnir_middle":
print("...%s (subset)" % name)
dst[name][:662,:,:] = rfl_data
# 679-955 set to NaN
dst[name][662:,:,:] = np.nan
print("...%s" % name)
dst[name][:] = rfl_data

# copy variable attributes all at once via dictionary

if 'rfl_img' not in src.variables:
print("...adding rfl_img")
dst.createVariable("rfl_img", "f4")
dst.variables['rfl_img'] = rfl_data

# apply calibration algorithm to the raw data
def apply_calibration(raw_filepath):
print("Calibrating %s" % raw_filepath)

# get necessary paths from path to _raw file
raw_dir = os.path.dirname(raw_filepath)
raw_file = os.path.basename(raw_filepath)
md_file = os.path.join(raw_dir, "%s_metadata.json" % raw_file[:-4])
date = raw_filepath.split("/")[-3]
timestamp = raw_filepath.split("/")[-2]
envlog_dir = os.path.join(raw_root, "EnvironmentLogger/%s" % date)

# determine type of sensor and age of camera
if raw_filepath.find("VNIR") > -1:
if date < "2018-08-18":
camera_type = "vnir_old"
num_spectral_bands = 955
num_bands_irradiance = 1024
image_scanning_time = 540
elif "2018-08-18" <= date < "2019-02-26":
camera_type = "vnir_middle"
num_spectral_bands = 939
num_bands_irradiance = 1024
image_scanning_time = 540
camera_type = "vnir_new"
num_spectral_bands = 939
num_bands_irradiance = 3648
# it is obverved that it takes an average of 3.5 mins/scan = 210 seconds
image_scanning_time = 210
if date < "2019-02-26": # Note that no calibration models are available for old&middle swir data
camera_type = "swir_old_middle"
camera_type = "swir_new"
num_spectral_bands = 275
num_bands_irradiance = 512
image_scanning_time = 210

print("MODE: ---------- %s ----------" % camera_type)

# load the raw data set
print("Loading %s.hdr" % raw_filepath)
raw = +'.hdr')
# img_DN = raw.load()
img_DN = raw.open_memmap()
#head_file = envi.read_envi_header(data_fullpath +'.hdr')
except IOError:
print('No such file named %s' % raw_filepath)

# Apply calibration procedure if camera_type == vnir_old, vnir_middle, vnir_new or swir_new. Since no calibration models are available for
# swir_old and swir_middle, so directly convert old&middel SWIR raw data to netcdf format
if camera_type =="swir_old_middle":
# Convert the raw swir_old and swir_middle data to netCDF
img_DN = np.rollaxis(img_DN, 2, 0)
# Generate output path and call the netCDF conversion function, convert the raw old&middle swir data to netcdf
out_path = os.path.dirname(raw_filepath.replace("raw_data", "Level_1").replace("SWIR", "swir_netcdf").replace("VNIR", "vnir_netcdf"))
out_file = os.path.join(out_path, "" % (camera_type.split("_")[0], timestamp))
update_netcdf(out_file, img_DN, camera_type)

# free up memory
del img_DN

else: # when camera_type == vnir_old, vnir_middle, vnir_new or swir_new, apply pre-computed calibration models
# Load the previously created calibration models based on the camera_type
best_matched = os.path.join(raw_root + "/" + "calibration_new", camera_type, 'best_matched_index.npy')
bias = os.path.join(raw_root + "/" + "calibration_new", camera_type, 'bias_coeff.npy')
gain = os.path.join(raw_root + "/" + "calibration_new", camera_type, 'gain_coeff.npy')
# read EnvLog data
print("Reading EnvLog files in %s" % envlog_dir)
envlog_tot_time = []
envlog_spectra = np.array([], dtype=np.int64).reshape(0, num_bands_irradiance)
for ef in os.listdir(envlog_dir):
if ef.endswith("environmentlogger.json"):
time, spectrum = irradiance_time_extractor(camera_type,os.path.join(envlog_dir, ef))
envlog_tot_time += time
# print("concatenating %s onto %s" % (spectrum.shape, envlog_spectra.shape))
envlog_spectra = np.vstack([envlog_spectra, spectrum])

# Find the best match time range between image time stamp and EnvLog time stamp
num_irridiance_record = int(image_scanning_time/5) # 210/5=4.2 ----> 5 seconds per record

# concatenation of hour mins and seconds of the image time stamp (eg., 12-38-49 to 123849)
with open(md_file) as json_file:
img_meta_data = json.load(json_file)
meta_data_time = img_meta_data['lemnatec_measurement_metadata']['gantry_system_variable_metadata']['time']
image_time = meta_data_time[-8:]
image_time = int(image_time.replace(":",""))

# compute the absolute difference between
print("Computing mean spectrum")
abs_diff_time = np.zeros((len(envlog_tot_time)))
for k in range(len(envlog_tot_time)):
abs_diff_time[k] = abs(image_time - envlog_tot_time[k])
ind_closet_time = np.argmin(abs_diff_time) # closest time index
mean_spectrum = np.mean(envlog_spectra[ind_closet_time : ind_closet_time + num_irridiance_record-1, :], axis=0)

# load pre-computed the best matched index between image and irradiance sensor spectral bands
best_matched_index = np.load(best_matched)
test_irridance = mean_spectrum[best_matched_index.astype(int).tolist()]
test_irridance_re = np.resize(test_irridance, (1, num_spectral_bands))

# load and apply precomputed coefficient to convert irradiance to DN
b = np.load(bias)
g = np.load(gain)
if camera_type == "vnir_old":
test_irridance_re = test_irridance_re[:,0:679]
img_DN = img_DN[:,:,0:679]
if camera_type == "vnir_middle":
test_irridance_re = test_irridance_re[:,0:662]
img_DN = img_DN[:,:,0:662]

irrad2DN = (g * test_irridance_re) + b

# reflectance computation
print("Computing reflectance")
rfl_data = img_DN/irrad2DN
rfl_data = np.rollaxis(rfl_data, 2, 0)

# free up memory
del img_DN
del irrad2DN

# prepare output paths
print("Generating output")
out_path = os.path.dirname(raw_filepath.replace("raw_data", "Level_1").replace("SWIR", "swir_netcdf").replace("VNIR", "vnir_netcdf"))
if not os.path.isdir(out_path):

# save as ENVI file (RGB bands: 392, 252, 127)
#out_file = os.path.join('ref_%s.hdr' % raw_file)
#envi.save_image(out_file, Ref, dtype=np.float32, interleave='bil', force = 'True', metadata=head_file)

# Save Ref as a .npy file
#out_file = os.path.join(out_path, 'ref_%s.npy' % raw_file), rfl_data)

# Write to nc file
out_file = os.path.join(out_path, "" % (camera_type.split("_")[0], timestamp))
update_netcdf(out_file, rfl_data, camera_type)

# free up memory
del rfl_data

# TODO: This will come from the extractor message
input_paths = [
# swir_old
# NA os.path.join(raw_root, "SWIR/2017-04-16/2017-04-16__11-50-46-707/c6079666-b686-4481-9a4f-0663f5f43a6a_raw"),
# swir_new
# OK os.path.join(raw_root, "SWIR/2018-09-22/2018-09-22__13-21-35-977/05b7ad1a-a2d7-4dfc-bcec-b1a394ec0892_raw"),
# OK os.path.join(raw_root, "SWIR/2018-10-11/2018-10-11__12-11-43-420/dc60c7d5-24bc-432b-a7cb-98ac1da73154_raw"),
# vnir_old
# OK os.path.join(raw_root, "VNIR/2017-04-15/2017-04-15__11-33-42-265/76efd15f-928a-49f7-a008-4877b8842129_raw"),
# OK os.path.join(raw_root, "VNIR/2017-04-17/2017-04-17__16-39-35-738/a5096c7a-c052-4728-a29b-a5a6119c366c_raw"),
# OK os.path.join(raw_root, "VNIR/2017-04-17/2017-07-08__06-30-15-622/5154c9fc-0a51-4a4d-9c79-242539f057ad_raw"),
# os.path.join(raw_root, "VNIR/2017-05-13/2017-05-13__12-00-39-756/1bcc7cd0-1205-45a3-b4b3-cbcac6236754_raw"), # Killed
# os.path.join(raw_root, "VNIR/2017-06-18/2017-06-18__14-34-24-390/41a0b327-83ff-4131-b1fd-5ee5254760b6_raw"), # Killed
# os.path.join(raw_root, "VNIR/2017-07-27/2017-07-27__15-05-11-667/d1643679-bef3-4179-9912-d63bf4cd53c6_raw"),
#os.path.join(raw_root, "VNIR/2017-08-23/2017-08-23__09-21-43-959/ea0e3408-ed1c-412d-aa68-e75ce2e902b1_raw"),
#os.path.join(raw_root, "VNIR/2018-09-26/2018-09-26__13-36-22-843/73e4642f-1ac7-430a-a00e-a04224bde9db_raw"),
# vnir_middle
# NA os.path.join(raw_root, "VNIR/2018-08-18/2018-08-18__11-11-41-890/c5f4d50f-44ad-4e23-9d92-f10e62110ac7_raw"),
# NA os.path.join(raw_root, "VNIR/2018-10-08/2018-10-08__11-41-01-365/5e39a30f-d343-405e-a140-db26dc72eb59_raw"),
# vnir_new
# GEN os.path.join(raw_root, "VNIR/2019-06-17/2019-06-17__14-03-29-760/d51b6f4c-9246-4da8-9a6c-786bb1dc21bf_raw"),

for p in input_paths:


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