Just a small automation shell script to update Ubuntu systems daily/weekly with different methods.
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Author: G0urmetD
Version: 1.4.1
./updateUbuntu.sh --upgrade-version
./updateUbuntu.sh --delete-snaps
- config file
- set auto reboot
- set custom source lists
- checking whether sufficient storage space is available and whether the file systems are in order
- creating a simple snapshot of system files
- deleting automatically snapshots of backup path, which are older than 4 weeks
- using parameter to delete manually those snapshots: --delete-snaps
- update advanced packages yarn and conda
- update apt packages
- update snap packages
- update flatpak packages
- update npm packages
- update pip/pip3 packages
- update docker containers
- update kernel
- version upgrade (example: 22.04 to 24.04)
- using parameter: --upgrade-version
- check for unsafe and old packages