Tags: Frojd/django-react-templatetags
Changes: - Added: Add support for python 3.12 (@marteinn) - Added: Add support for django 4.2 (@marteinn) - Added: Add support for django 5.0 (@marteinn) - Fixed: Add pyproject.toml - Fixed: Add ruff linter - Fixed: Upgrade python version to 3.12 in example - Fixed: Fix install issue with netcat in example - Removed: Drop support for django 4.0 - Removed: Drop support for django 4.1 (@marteinn) - Removed: Drop support for python 3.7 (@marteinn)
- Fix: Solved XSS issue (thanks @anthonynsimon) - Fix: Add security policy
- New: Add official support for Hypernova SSR service - New: Add attribute “no_placeholder” when you want to skip the DRTT provided placeholder - Fix: Add official Django 3 support (@niespodd, @marteinn) - Fix: Remove context_processor required to run library (@niespodd) - Fix: Solve issue with requests import (Aria Moradi) - Fix: Use unit.patch instead of responses to mock requests (Umair) - Fix: Drop Django 1 support - Fix: Drop pypy support Breaking changes: - Support for react_representation property in RepresentationMixin has been dropped, use to_react_representation instead - SSR services must now return a dict with the key “html” and additionally a key called “params” with additional values you want to pass to your component.
- New: Add SSRContext for passign values to SSR (thanks @mikaelengstrom) - New: Add support for disabling SSR using header HTTP_X_DISABLE_SSR - Fix: Include example project - Fix: Drop python 3.4 support