With npm:
$ npm install react-native-simple-zendesk --save
or with yarn:
$ yarn add react-native-simple-zendesk
To be able to build for android, make sure to add the following in your root build.gradle file under allProjects -> repositories file of the project.
maven { url 'https://zendesk.jfrog.io/zendesk/repo' }
If the aove step is not done it may not build for android
run pod install: (cd ios; pod install)
import SimpleZendesk from "react-native-simple-zendesk";
// to test if its propely integrated the following method
SimpleZendesk.displayMessage("test message");
// Init Zendesk once inside your application:
// Open zendesk chat using this method:
SimpleZendesk.openZendesk(name, email, phone);