This module is getting deprecated in favor of the following modules:
While less concice, the above modules provide needed flexibility when operating an es cluster by allowing us to reprovision individual nodes and by decoupling the networking from the vms.
This module will be updated as needed while legacy clusters are still using it, but it will eventually be archived.
This terraform module provisions an elasticsearch 7 cluster on openstack.
The following security groups are provisioned with the cluster:
- es-masters: Internal security group allowing traffic between es members, 9200 tcp traffic from es-client and ssh traffic from the es-bastion
- es-workers: Internal security group allowing traffic between es members, 9200 tcp traffic from es-client and ssh traffic from the es-bastion
- es-client: Exported security group that should supplement other security groups on a vm and allows to send 9200 tcp traffic to any member of the es cluster.
- es-bastion: Exported standalone security group that opens up ssh traffic from the outside and allows to connect via ssh to any member of the es cluster.
While tls is enabled, access-control is currently disabled.
For this reason, access to the cluster should be restricted to nodes that should have superuser access..
The module assumes that you will be working with dedicated masters nodes and dedicated worker nodes and supports that use-case.
The module has been developped with an Ubuntu 18.04 image. Any recent Debian-based distribution that uses systemd will probably work well out of the box.
Furthermore, the module assumes that you have a dynamically configurable dns service that will be modified as part of the terraform execution.
- namespace: Namespace that will be prefixed to generated resources. Useful to avoid name clashes. Will not be used if omitted.
- image_id: ID of the OS image that will be used to provision the nodes.
- masters_flavor_id: VM sizing that will be used to provision the master nodes.
- workers_flavor_id: VM sizing that will be used to provision the worker nodes.
- masters_extra_security_group_ids: Additional security groups that will be associated with the master nodes.
- workers_extra_security_group_ids: Additional security groups that will be associated with the worker nodes.
- network_id: Id of the network the nodes will be attached to.
- keypair_name: Name of the ssh keypair that will be usable to ssh on any of the nodes.
- masters_count: Number of masters in the cluster.
- initial_masters_count: Value indicating the initial number of masters when the cluster was first bootstrapped (needed for es configurations). It should never be changed again after that (you can add masters by incrementing masters_count instead). If you change this value after the cluster has been provisioned, all the masters in your cluster will be destroyed and reprovisioned so don't do it.
- workers_count: Number of data nodes in the cluster.
- masters_domains: Domains that should be added to the masters tls certificate. The first domain in the list will also be used for masters discovery
- workers_domains: Worker domains that should be added to the certificate of the es workers
- nameserver_ips: Ips of nameservers that will be added to the list of nameservers used by the nodes in the cluster.
- ca: Certificate authority used to sign the certificates of the cluster members. Should have the following keys: key, key_algorithm, certificate
- organization: The es servers certificates' organization. Defaults to Ferlab
- certificate_validity_period: The validity period of the certificates for the es nodes. Defaults to 100 years.
- certificate_early_renewal_period: Period after which Terraform will try to auto-renew the certificates for the es nodes. Defaults to 99 years. Note that this will cause a reprovisioning of the nodes so data should either be backed up prior to this or regenerated after the certificates are renewed.
- key_length: Key lenght of the certificates' private key. Defaults to 4096.
- masters: List of dedicated master nodes, each which is has the id and ip key
- workers: List of dedicated data nodes, each which is has the id and ip key
- groups: Security groups (ie, resources of type openstack_networking_secgroup_v2) that can be used to provide nodes with additional access to the es cluster. It has the following 2 groups: bastion, client.
Here's an example of how this module would be used:
module "ca" {
source = "./ca"
module "elasticsearch_cluster" {
source = "git::"
image_id =
masters_flavor_id =
workers_flavor_id =
network_id =
keypair_name =
workers_count = 3
masters_domains = ["masters.elasticsearch.mydomain"]
workers_domains = ["workers.elasticsearch.mydomain"]
nameserver_ips = local.nameserver_ips
ca =
module "elasticsearch_internal_domain" {
source = "git::"
domain = "elasticsearch.mydomain"
container =
dns_server_name = "my.dns.server."
a_records = concat([
for master in module.elasticsearch_cluster.masters: {
prefix = "masters"
ip = master.ip
for worker in module.elasticsearch_cluster.workers: {
prefix = "workers"
ip = worker.ip
To safeguard against potential outages and loss of data, changes to the server's user data will be ignored without reprovisioning.
To reprovision a new instance with changes to the following parameters, the module should be explicitly deleted and re-created:
- nameserver_ips
- masters_domains
- initial_masters_count
- ca
- key_length
- organization
- certificate_validity_period
- certificate_early_renewal_period