Thanks for applying for a development role at Fatsoma. To give us a good indication of programming ability and style please submit your solution for this ticket allocation problem.
This is not a timed test, but you do not need to spend more than a couple of hours on this. A partial solution is still very useful, and you can describe your thoughts for next steps that would be taken.
Your submission must be your own work.
For reference, here at Fatsoma we primarily develop using ruby on rails and golang. However feel free to solve this in whatever language you feel comfortable with and use a framework if desired.
We are mainly looking for clean, well architected, tested code that highlights your skill set and shows technical proficiency.
Included is an SQL dump from PostgreSQL. It is not required to use this but should be helpful. You may need to amend this to add constraints.
PostgreSQL has all the functionality required for satisfying this problem set, with some features introduced version 9.5 that may be of interest. You may choose to use a different database engine that satisfies the requirements of this problem.
The following three routes need to be built to enable allocating of ticket options to multiple purchases. They all correspond to the jsonapi spec (
The solution needs to ensure that the allocation does not drop below 0, and the purchased amounts are not greater than the allocation given.
Expect multiple requests to be made against this API concurrently.
We use the term purchase but taking payment is out of scope for this problem.
The Swagger definition and postman collection are also available in this repository for reference.
Create a ticket_option with an allocation of tickets available to purchase:
POST /ticket_options
Request Body:
"data": {
"type": "ticket_options",
"attributes": {
"name": "example",
"description": "sample description",
"allocation": 100
Response Body:
"data": {
"type": "ticket_options",
"id": "70b751fe-04dd-4dd1-8955-ab9b188ddb1f",
"attributes": {
"name": "example",
"description": "sample description",
"allocation": 100
Get ticket option by id:
GET /ticket_options/:id
(No request body)
Response Body:
"data": {
"type": "ticket_options",
"id": "70b751fe-04dd-4dd1-8955-ab9b188ddb1f",
"attributes": {
"name": "example",
"description": "sample description",
"allocation": 100
Purchase a quantity of tickets from the allocation of the given ticket_option:
POST /purchases
Request body:
"data": {
"type": "purchases",
"attributes": {
"quantity": 2
"relationships": {
"ticket_option": {
"data": {
"type": "ticket_options",
"id": "969f4317-09f4-4b15-b8be-a87d40fb56fb"
"user": {
"data": {
"type": "users",
"id": "d6abe829-c28c-44ec-bee6-3183f2c53fef"
Response Body:
A 2xx status code must be returned on success.
"data": {
"type": "purchases",
"id": "cd837712-fd86-4345-9e7f-d519c8db6c45",
"attributes": {
"quantity": 2
"relationships": {
"ticket_option": {
"data": {
"type": "ticket_options",
"id": "969f4317-09f4-4b15-b8be-a87d40fb56fb"
"user": {
"data": {
"type": "users",
"id": "d6abe829-c28c-44ec-bee6-3183f2c53fef"
A 4xx status code must be returned on any request that attempts to purchase more tickets than are available. In this case, no tickets should be purchased for that request. Example error response given below
"errors": [
"status": "400",
"code": "invalid_purchase_quantity",
"title": "Unable to purchase provided quantity",
"detail": "Unable to reserve given quantity of ticket options",
"source": {
"pointer": "/data/attributes/quantity"